kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)
Heart, Led Zepplin & Barry Manilow
2002-05-16 12:59:22
Photoshop THAT image.
Bowler - WANT. Want, want, want! (And where's that sample reel?)
Kusayaro - one more reason I make everyone belt in when I drive. *sighs* Much more of this and I'm going to take a lead marker and put names on the belts in the car in effigy. Oh, and BTW - no matter how funked your mood, you're not in trouble until you discover everyone backing away from you like penicillin in a petri dish. Trust me on this.
Sucky Danish temper. I grow horns when I'm angry.
EK - grace and diplomacy in action - again. Did it help? You really ought to cross-post that Panda Dog --
QUICK. My network geeks are going to Taiwan for three weeks. What should I DEMAND they bring back for me?
Sex, Minors and Censorship...
2002-05-15 15:49:00
Book link - go get it:
And the beat goes on.
2002-05-15 13:28:57
That seems appropriate.
Amizaidai - the relationship I have with my sister is one that is constantly in the process of renegotiation. We're very different. VERY different - growing up, nobody even thought we were related. We're only thirteen months apart in age - she's a Libra, I'm the Scorpio and just go from there.
Then we got over 30. Her kids are becoming husband dies...and Mom has a heart attack. We have two brothers, but Diane gets to handle all the tough stuff (she's the titled professional Social Worker With A Masters Degree, I write and make a living with computers), but I end up covering her back when people want to give her shit about it. (Not recommended. NOT recommended. I bite.)
Did you guess I'm protective? Nah. Not me. *chuckles*
I'm still trying to figure out how this got under my radar. Initial info said this had been a problem for about a month. Nope. First came up in February - and it's not something I want to argue/hit/hurt her with, but I don't understand how I could hear all about the remodel on her house and not get anything on this. Shit, I was seen by a retinal specialist myself three years ago for the same thing - and I KNOW I told her about it.
I'm really worried - not only did they find a retinal tear as well as a detachment, they also found an inflamed area that looks infected. An infection inside her eye. WTF? JFC.
Crap. I'm over-reacting. I know it. But I can't explain this away as "shigata ga nai." I refuse. I might not be able to do one thing about it now, but can't we avoid this in the future?
*sigh* Learn to accept that little things turn into disasters. Right.
Fuck me.
Suckage is a totally great word for this.
Got home at 9:30.
I'm near the little dots to the left...and down.
2002-05-14 19:11:12
And no, I didn't feel it.
2002-05-14 17:35:12
I want a beer the size of Cleveland.
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 06:49:15