JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Digging up dirt 2015-12-07 10:27:21 Working on a new video, one I've been envisioning since 20... 07? Yeesch.

    May as well, considering the free time I've
    inexplicably encountered
    suddenly come across

    tripped over

    The idea involves two different songs, one after the other. Should I release them individually (one at 2:30, the other at 5 min) or combined them into a large nearly-eight-minute-long video? I'm leaning towards the latter, since there is a major connection between the two videos, both in sources and in narrative. What do you all think? 
  • Lo, I saw an update. 2011-05-17 01:59:02

    I've added more content to my site, with new videos from this year so far.

    Sure, they're not AMVs but who cares. Watch them anyways. :p 
  • A new video? Uh buh wuh? 2010-08-11 15:56:18 My Personal (AMV) Hell

    You guys aren't tired of Hell vids, right? Right. 
  • @ Castor 2010-07-04 04:01:50 Ain't whiskey grand? 
  • JaddziaDax, part duex; also update 2010-05-05 05:05:21 You're among good company then ;p

    Ridin' Shotgun:
    Kumoricon - Accepted
    SakuraCon - Unaccepted
    ACen - Sent the version w/ bumpers by mistake / Disqualified
    A-Kon - Need to export/encode/send
    AWA Expo - Need to enter then export/encode/send
    AX - Need to enter then export/encode/send

    Sword & Sorrow:
    Kumoricon - Accepted
    SakuraCon - Won Best Drama! (wha?)
    ACen - Sent the version w/ bumpers by mistake / Disqualified
    A-Kon - Need to export/encode/send
    AWA Expo - Need to enter then export/encode/send
    AX - Need to enter then export/encode/send 
Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 04:13:02