Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
2010-05-04 20:47:01
I haven't gotten an opinion in nearly three years, or a QC in six months.
Feel better yet? :p
So far...
2010-04-15 05:44:26
Ridin' Shotgun:
Kumoricon - Accepted, debating with coordinator about bumpers
SakuraCon - Unaccepted
ACen - Applied/Uploaded
A-Kon - Need to export/encode/send
AWA Expo - Need to enter then export/encode/send
AX - Need to enter then export/encode/send
Sword & Sorrow:
Kumoricon - Application Sent
SakuraCon - Won Best Drama! (wha?)
ACen - Applied/Uploaded
A-Kon - Need to export/encode/send
AWA Expo - Need to enter then export/encode/send
AX - Need to enter then export/encode/send
I swear, I will rip this computer a new one
2009-12-14 06:29:07
Maybe it's because I still use the classic Premiere 6.5, but this thing has been giving nothing but grief. A bizarre color border appears in certain frames when I slow the clip down to 30%. I want to keep the shot that's there, so I kept tinkering and found it was the clip below it, the speed set to 70%. But now that that's resolved, the clip with the strange color borders in it is suddenly ignoring any opacity rubber band changes I make to it.
Now I know how Dr Frankenstein feels.
more like 'slow' country
2009-10-20 00:03:48
I'm stuck in Japanese Lit class watching a 2hr+ movie version of a book I spent the past week rushing to finish and my brain has melted into pudding, send help
Holy penis, what a scoop
2008-09-05 04:02:55
Remember that AC vid I called an abortion last year? :D
Still is, but oh well.
Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 09:11:09