Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
So this guy IMs me out of the blue...
2004-11-30 06:37:20
SenorCheese04: wha does it mean to BEAR right?
PieRowM: That sentence made no sense
PieRowM: What're you asking?
SenorCheese04: what does it mean to bear right when driving
PieRowM: I think take a right, or maybe a sharp right
SenorCheese04: no!
PieRowM: *shrug*
SenorCheese04: if it was a reg. right it wouldnt say right
SenorCheese04: oh well, thanks for trying
SenorCheese04: The Doors
PieRowM: You're welcome
SenorCheese04: Anahiem Dec. 31st
PieRowM: I suppose
PieRowM: Question, if I may ask
PieRowM: Who is this
SenorCheese04: LARRY
PieRowM: What's a Larry
PieRowM: Furthermore, I know no Larry :
PieRowM: That and I believe it's "veer right" not "bear right"
PieRowM: Knowing me from baseball only seperates us more; I've never been in baseball, and I still know no Larry
SenorCheese04: what does veer mean?
PieRowM: Usually means to turn from a pre-determined course or direction
PieRowM: Technically, clockwise
PieRowM: It depends if it's a noun or verb, it seems
SenorCheese04: so a u - turn?
PieRowM: Doesn't have to be a U-Turn
SenorCheese04: u said clockwise
PieRowM: The clockwise direction, meaning if you're going North then suddenly went Northwest
SenorCheese04: im confused
PieRowM: Ahh I had it backwards. Northeast, not Northwest
SenorCheese04: im lost
SenorCheese04: and i wanna see wild child
PieRowM: Who's Wild Child?
SenorCheese04: trib band
PieRowM: Oh the group. The guys who did Renegade Master.
PieRowM: That or it was Fat Boy Slim
SenorCheese04: ?
PieRowM: Anyways
SenorCheese04: A doors tribute band
PieRowM: Ah
SenorCheese04: the best band that ever walked the land
PieRowM: Have fun Larry
Dinky anime review
2004-11-28 05:00:58
I just watched Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie for the first time.
The amount of standing around and powering-up rivals DBZ.
Next Up: Heat Guy J
Time of Review: Later
This is the best journal entry ever!
Just a quick note...
2004-11-25 04:04:34
Happy Thanksgiving you guys. :D
Be thankful for what you have, and I really mean that as I type this. To be able to do what we do and to have the people that are here here, is a great thing. Sure a good majority of them can be pricks, but damnit without people acting like that, how would we be able to respect and be happy for those who act the total opposite? It's all politics, I tells ya.
2004-11-23 04:59:12
PieRowM: Done! :O
MidnightViscount: o_O
PieRowM: :-*
MidnightViscount: With your segment?
PieRowM: Aye
PieRowM: I'm like... oozing with giddiness right now
MidnightViscount: Hah hah hah.
2004-11-23 02:06:50
Total motivation boost for FFVI track!
It's so exciting, I gotta go to the bathroom! O_O
Current server time: Mar 17, 2025 20:19:27