Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
"Bing bong", said those chapel bells
2004-11-19 01:25:46
My friend's getting married this Saturday at the church I used to attend back in my hometown, so I get to spend the weekend there. Woo-yah! Gotta pack, gotta get some things done, etc.
FFVI track is getting done, thank goodness. I finally have an idea of the first half of it should go about working, and with a brain clogged with snot and phlegm that means a lot. :P
"And then they made me their chief." ~ Capt Jack Sparrow
2004-11-16 17:10:56
It saddens me to hear that you're not enjoying anime or AMVs anymore, and that you might leave the community all-together. :'( Do you not even enjoy the editing aspect anymore? I always found that no matter who dickheaded some other editors or ORG members might be, the editing factor has always kept me pleased, and has kept me going despite all the kids spoiling our once-underground hobby.
I pray you can enjoy it still, on some level. :)
In other news, being sick sucks much ass.
*hacks up something yellow and slimy*
2004-11-14 05:27:34
Aggrivating As Hell
My old old roommate and I FINALLY got around to taking my name off the Comcast account for the apartment I used to live at, but it required someone pay $45 to get the account in my name deleted and make another in my roommate's name. I was that someone apparently since he had just 10 in his account. And for the thousandth time, I got a call from the electricity company (yep, the electricity for the apartment is still in my name too...) saying they wanted the amount my roommate owes to be paid. So I paid some of the amount to get them off my back for a bit (they've been calling me for months), until my roommate decides to get it transferred to him. I've been out of that apartment since July; I'm getting dead sick of still being somehow connected to that place, considering I'm not even using any of the services. -_-
So at this point he owes me nearly 90 dollars, to go along with the 250 he owes from the security deposit that was given back from the apartment company. I have a feeling I'll never see even half of the total amount.
... on the plus side, I rented Angel Cop! *rocks out*
Wiggum: "'Hells Satans', huh? I'm watchin' you punks!"
Homer: "Can't hassle us, PIG. We're going the speed limit, oink oink oink!"
Wiggum: "You'll make a mistake someday, and then you're going straight to juvi!"
Homer: "You can lock us away, but you'll never defeat the Cobras!"
Wiggum: "The Cobras? ... I thought you were the Hells Satans?"
Homer: "Well, d.. uhm... OINK OINK OINK!" *vrrrroom*
Soon, my fellow lazies!
2004-11-12 04:24:08
Once this week is done, all I'll have left is finals week; for now, it's a research paper due tomorrow (which I should be doing right now). Little idea of what to write about. Been thinking of doing Mary Magdalene, the possible wife of Jesus Christ and possibly the Holy Grail, despite the idea of it being simply a cup (I just got done with the Da Vinci Code last week, which revolves around that issue; good book, but the prequel Angels & Demons was way better).
My sister commented that it might be a bit touchy to go off about on a paper. I suppose I would agree, but it's a writing class; everyone in it loves their opinion, but are still very open-minded. A good bunch, they are. Teacher's a bit of a flake, but he's a pretty funny guy none the less.
Pretty slow on the AMV front. FFVI is finally getting done, so I'm excited about that. :D WOO FOR PROGRESS.
2004-10-26 07:13:34
I can only hope that your mother died thinking of how happy your life has been these years, seeing those pictures in her final moments.
What you said about mistakes and how they form who we are, it's true. It's really true. You've probably opened up some people's eyes with that paragraph.
I'm so sorry for your loss, friend. We're here for you if you need us, as is God.
Current server time: Mar 18, 2025 13:22:41