JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Flint 2004-10-24 02:30:44 My condolences. May he rest in peace.

    *silent prayer* 
  • Funny thought on the way to school 2004-10-22 20:53:22 Corporations: "Go faster!"
    Individual: "How come?"
    Corporations: "To make money."
    Individual: "Hmm. Why's that?"
    Corporations: "To go faster!"

    *shrug* '_' 
  • God bless, Alex Arritola 2004-10-22 02:56:24 I just heard from my mom that about a week and a half ago, one of the guys I graduated with died in a car crash on the way to his work.

    I'm not really sure what to say right now, except that I pray he got into heaven and hope that his family and friends recover well.

    As for me, I'm at a loss; I wasn't very close to him, but still recognized him in the halls during high school. My sister took it really hard since she used to babysit him back when he and I were in grade school.

    If you could take a moment of silence for Alex, I'd appreciate it. 
  • Unbreakable was a lame movie 2004-10-04 17:36:26 I had a dream last night that me and my friends had this fancy hair parlor and the only people that would come in were celebrities. Wanda Sykes and Oprah came in at one point. Samuel L Jackson was in his chair, yelled something (apparently he got pissed over something) then got up and walked off; his haircut was like it was in the movie Unbreakable only much bigger.

    The best one that came in was Marlon Brando though; he walked in, sat down, mentioned something, then me and my friends started going off with lines like "Dude, the Godfather just talked to us." or "Man the Godfather just asked me for something." He heard us, turned in our direction and raised an eyebrow at us.

    It wasn't funny in the dream for some reason, but right now I'm busting a gut over it. 
  • I'm a horrible human being 2004-09-02 06:27:51 I just blew it with a girl that I could have had a beautiful relationship with.

    all because i'm a fucking shallow asshole. i knew her for a week, got to know her, enjoyed her company and really liked her. she shows me her cam and i ask if i can be honest, and tell her how i was surprised to see how large she was.

    what the fuck is wrong with me, i just wanna die at this point 
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