JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Step by step. Ooh baby. Gonna get to you giirr-rr-rr-rrll... 2004-08-31 00:09:32 1. Roommate's brother spilled my Mt Dew on my keyboard, thus mucking it the muck up.

    2. Along the way to the store I figured I may as well go get my paycheck at work. Larger than I thought it would be. Hoo rah.

    3. Deposted the check at an ATM at the mall, grabbed something to eat, messed around at the arcade.

    4. Went to Christian Supply to look for a book recommended to me. This person, a retired legal editor, took the concept of Christ being the Son of God and treated it like a legitimate case. He found evidence, asked various witnesses, etc.
    "The Case of Christ" by Lee Strobel

    5. On the way back from the mall, stopped at Fred Meyer to pick up a new keyboard. I found one that cost as much as my old one did, but had a USB port instead along with multimedia keys. It's slightly harder to type, but it's easier to get around my comp now.

    I guess my roommate's brother busting up my keyboard with soda was all for the good...

    ... FOR NOW. 
  • Eureka 2004-08-30 02:40:20 The best way to keep track of AMV ideas you get while on the road or at work: STICKEY POST-ITS

    Write the sucker down and slap it to your monitor! Wonders O Wonders! 
  • Ryu Ninja mock your craziness! 2004-08-29 05:13:55 I think I've fallen for another girl online. The last girl that I fell for that I met in a chat screwed me over like a used car salesman. Only the salesman was hot.

    I met her in a chat room last night, and we ended up talking for a few hours. A part of me thinks that I could be happy with this, while another part keeps reminding me that this might be a another fraud.

    Yes, there is hope for this actually being true.
    Yes, there is a chance of her tricking me like Meg did.
    Yes, I might be really damn gullible.
    No, you cannot have my ice cream sandwhich.

    No, damnit!! 
  • Attack of the Cute Aliens 2004-08-27 21:05:07 Nothing like eating home-cooked lasagna at the parent's house. Up here for the night, visiting.

    While here, I found some old video files on their computer I had forgotten about. Particularly, a fansub version of the first Mao-chan episode. I cracked up watching it again for the first time in a while, remembering that me and AlanKlontz were going to do a fandub of it but the project eventually fell through, especially considering the anime got licensed. I forgot how hilarious this show was. This gives me a new want to seek out the DVDs, especially since I've had an AMV idea in my head about this anime. Yar. 
  • 1.21 JIGGAWATTS!!! 2004-08-26 01:51:00 I got a citation for not having a ticket on the MAX :(
    $94 down the pooper. That'll teach me.

    On the other hand, I just bought the Back to the Future trilogy, so it all evens out.

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