Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
The remake of Quahog Kombat
2004-08-20 03:20:32
We've come full circle, at last
Enjoy, folks
Okay, so...
2004-08-18 21:38:29
The peanut butter at Fred Meyers is apparently next to the bread section, which I never checked. Makes sense when you think about it I guess, PB sitting next to the bread.
Rented the Spider-Man Animated Series DVD (the one with the cel-shaded series). Did it out of curiousity to see how good it was, and saw some of it on Eric's Spider-Dweller video. Love that vid.
The series is great; the writing has some great moments, the chemistry between the characters is accurate (Peter and Harry exchange goofy comments about college and girls, the tension between MJ and Peter is evident even without dialouge, Harry's hate for Spider-Man is there just by listening to the tone in Harry's voice; needless to say, the acting is almost always right-on). I should note that the series' story comes out of the first movie, hence Harry hating Spidey, everyone being in college, and such.
Highly recommended. :up:
2004-08-17 04:59:52
In the face of danger, who moves forward
In the face of death, who smiles with a wink
In the face of destruction, who rebuilds
No matter how many cliches you've seen or heard, and despite how you want a new and refreshing way to have concepts introduced to you time and time again,
it still stands that hope is needed. That hope is yours.
For some reason...
2004-08-12 04:26:24
Peanut butter is really hard to find in Fred Meyers. What would it be listed under? I spent nearly half an hour trying to find it, to no avail.
And now my stomach's all rumbly :(
If you haven't seen The Butterfly Effect yet...
2004-08-09 04:10:16
Go get it.
And watch The Director's Cut.
In other news, 7000+ people have read my journal so far for some reason.
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