Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
2004-08-01 04:53:26
I just won an AMV contest, a first time for me. :O
I entered Human Suffering: Shinji Ikari, the one video I go back and forth thinking that it sucks and/or rules. Geh... ? Whatever.
I get a choice between the If I See You In My Dreams OVA or the first Knight Hunters DVD. Never heard of either of them, so I googled for some reviews on the two and found the first one to be a three-episode romance and the other a pretty-boy show about four guys who kick ass and look good at the same time. Meh. I went with the romance; I don't have enough of those and I'm a bit tired of the explosive in-your-face type whatnot.
I totally not gay though :X
2004-07-29 04:41:08
Sorry to see you go, Ermac. Have fun in that thing we avoid. Y'know... life. Whatever you kids call it nowadays.
In other news, heartburn combined with a bad stomach = bad times :(
Cheetos before bed = Interesting dreams
2004-07-28 04:55:26
Okay. So. I'm in this big building that's round. That's all I remember of the building. That and something about me being wanted, or some conspiracy for official-like folks to get to me, for some reasons or other.
Next, I'm surrounded by creatures in the back part of SOME building; maybe not the round one, but some building. And the creatures aren't freaky-ass things like RE mutants or Silent Hill... things. They're actually more like Pokemon. Yeah, yuck it up, hooligans. Enough of your laughing. :X
Anyways, I'm not quite sure I remember what was going on; I apparently was... healing them or making them happy or something. This strange glow or sparkle type thing came off of me and onto them, and then they became more... at peace or joyful with life. Here's the kicker:
As soon as they're all happy, I fall onto my back in some kind of pain; not really physical pain, but something in my body telling me that I'm about to die. And my mind is telling me that it's because I "healed" the creatures that I'm dying. I sacrificed myself to make others happy, and now I'm going to die. In the dream, I began crying. But the strangest part is, I'm partially crying because I'm happy. Because I get to die. I'm relieved at long last, and finally am allowed true peace. And it's because I made others happy that I'm given peace. I die, nobly and shedding tears of joy.
I wake up, in a small panic. Y'know, slightly heavy breathing and quick heartbeat. And then, I feel like I want to cry. The dream told me so much about myself, and I don't think I was prepared for it. I'm a person willing to die for others. And this isn't just the "dream" version of me that would do so; I know in my mind and heart that it would be the right thing to do, whether it be logical. It's the good thing to do.
Good gravy, I'm so cryptic I scare the crap out of myself
2004-07-24 06:59:17
Just finished the fucking editing portion of Quahog Kombat's remake, and the bumpers, and then did the AVS switch.
And now everything in the timeline looks fucked up, and if I do anything it says it's out of memory.
Similar To Flint, a journal entry title by Kirk Fryrear
2004-07-21 04:28:31
I realized today that I'm gonna have to do more walking after I close work from now on, unless I get another bike (and a damn lock this time!). Wish I had realized this sooner, but of course silly slow me having that happen would have been too convenient.
Lemme explain:
At my old apartment, I lived right next to a MAX train station which took me directly from there to work, and vice versa.
Point 1 ------> Point 2
At my new apartment, I live next to a MAX train station that takes me directly to work, but not the other way around. If I catch a BLUE LINE train from work, I have to stop off at another station and then catch a RED LINE train to get home.
Point 1 ---> Point 1.5 ---> Point 2
Problem is, I think the RED LINE train stops going at some point before I close at work, so I'd have to leg-dangle my way home from there, which is longer than it seems. Right now, it sounds really exhausting but that's mostly because I'm tired from cleaning my old apartment tonight. I WILL get my security deposit, damnit!
Geh... tomorrow needs to not happen...
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