JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Hahah! 2007-08-14 04:41:12 Oh wow!

    But seriously I gotta get back to making these things. I'm making another Advent Children video but rest assured it's just for shits and giggles. I'll get back to making REAL amvs here once I poop out this abortion of a video. 
  • That's what's so insane about this 2006-12-14 12:09:20 I just bought a new computer, so... new videos on the horizon. I've got a huge list of video ideas just sitting on my cabinet, waiting for me to cross them off with each new creation


  • How To Wrestle Free From An Alligator 2006-08-28 16:57:33 1) If you are on land, try to get on the alligator's back and put downward pressure on it's neck. This will force it's head and jaws open.

    2) Cover the alligator's eyes. This will usually make it more sedate.

    3) If you are attacked, go for the eyes and nose. Use any weapon you have, or your fist.

    4) If its jaws are closed on something you want to remove (for example, a limb), tap or punch it on its snout. Alligators often open their mouths when tapped lightly. They may drop whatever they've taken a hold of and back off.

    5) If the alligator gets you in its jaws, you must prevent it from shaking you or rolling over - these instinctual actions can cause severe tissue damnage. Try to keep the mouth clamped so that the alligator does not begin shaking.

    6) Seek medical attention immediately, even if for a small cut or bruise, to treat infection. Alligators have a number of pathogens in their mouths.

    How To Avoid An Attack
    While deaths in the United States from alligator attacks are rare, there are thousands of attacks and hundred of fatalities from Nile crocidiles in Africa and Indopacific crocidiles in Asia and Austrailia. A few tips to keep in mind:

    - Do not swim or wade in areas alligators are known to inhabit (in Florida, this can be anywhere).

    - Do not swim or wade alone, and always check out the area before venturing in.

    - Never feed alligators.

    - Do not dangle arms and legs from boats, and avoid throwing unused bait or fish from a boat or dock.

    - Do not harass, try to touch, or capture any alligator.

    - Leave babies and eggs alone. Any adult alligator will respond to a distress call from any youngster. Mother alligators guarding nests and babies will defend them.

    - In most cases the attacking alligators had been fed by humans prior to the attack. This is an important link - feeding alligators seems to cause them to lose their fear of humans and become more aggressive. 
  • My favorite Quick Comment yet 2006-04-10 12:26:25 For Alpha & Omega:
    'shood eye tahk sloe-er lighk your retar dead? :/'

    hahah, what the shit 
  • SakuraCon 2006 Report 2006-03-28 15:09:51 Fun times, fun times... I went with a few of my friends this year, a first compared to my solo con ventures in the past. Here are my big moments of this years SakuraCon:

    - The AMV Contest was surprisingly good this year, better than any other of S-Cons I've seen in the past. The competition was typically effects-y in the action category, but the hardest choices were in the drama category. There was a great Kenshin one, a heartwarming Studio Ghibli tribute, as well as some touching FMA videos (despite there were too many FMA vids in the contest for my taste, especially since most of them did a lot of spoiling for the show's later episodes). It still irks me that my entry got cut along with another hour of due to time constraints, which is understandable. What makes it so infuriating is that some people had two or three of their videos play while most of us who sent in one got the shaft, almost like insult to injury.

    - Getting to see my friends have a blast at their first anime con was great. When we first got to the con, one of my friends kept squealing at all the cosplayers. It was adorable.

    - Getting to be in Vlad's panel rocked pretty hard. Me and TaranT got to ramble on about our preferences on editing, concepts and so on. I acted like a wiseass at first, then when it was my turn to speak about my video that Vlad played, I rambled on like a blithering idiot, repeating myself and tripping over sentences. Getting nervous is the sucks. ><

    - I decided to cosplay as Cid Highwind three days before the con and somehow managed to pull it off. :D Who knew Hot Topic sold pilot goggles?

    - There were odd layers of drama here and there, due to us being angsty at times. I was feeling mopey at some point, and one of my friends was really depressed about not getting to see this one Cloud cosplayer again, whom she met the night earlier. She wanted to see his Buster Sword, which he didn't have at the time of their meeting. :( She's probably find at this point.

    - I need to bring at least three disposable cameras to any con. >_>

    - MY SHIT GOT STOLEN!! I was in the 24-hour AMV theatre room, killing time until Vlad's panel. I decided to head out ten minutes before it started, unknowingly forgetting my small bag in the room. About two-thirds of the way to the panel's room, I realized my bag wasn't with me and immediately darted back to the AMV room. I found my bag, but the DVDs WERE TAKEN OUT OF IT. *RAGEFUL* God was I pissed. The next day I bit the bullet and bought the stuff again after visiting both Lost & Founds. This time however, I got the boxset with the same FMA disc (the one that comes with the 2nd OST) and only one of the Super Gals discs. Had those discs not been stolen, I guess I wouldn't have gotten this soundtrack. Things happen for a reason.

    - Conga lines during dances are good if you do them right. That means no running. No. Running.

    An oddly balanced SakuraCon, with both ups and downs. Coming next year? Yeah probably. :P 
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