Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
The goodness that is FFVII
2006-03-17 18:20:58
Apparently I made a new video.
Hope you guys like it. I had a helluva time making it, not to say it wasn't a good experience. ;)
And now to sit back and rake in the cash...
Unknowingly departing
2006-02-14 18:15:06
Ever sine I moved to Portland two and a half years ago, I've found myself distanced from the AMV community. I'm slowly coming back but not being as involved as I used to is a bit of a downer. Having to actually work (gasp) while going school has always been a major reason, not to mention the fact that the different places I've lived at have had availabilities of internet, from high-speed cable to none at all. Upsy-downsie.
Oh. Yeah. AMVs.
One's almost done. I kinda want to keep the video and audio source a secret, because telling what they are would lower the anticipation, depending on who you are, on your tastes. It uses trailer-esque music, so hopefully that'll sedate some of you (the ones who care :P).
Egh! Encoding is for the birds. Birds who encode.
Shiver me timbers
2006-01-18 02:33:02
No no. Seriously. Ahoy. When I say ahoy, I'm saying it in it's natural tongue: harsh, loudly and with a clenched and twisted throat, so much so that help but end up with a crooked smile. The pirates way. Last Friday night, me and a few of my friends went to a concert starring a group called Captain Bogg & Salty, a bunch of guys who dress like pirates, sing like pirates and purely act like so. Songs of scurvy, a stow-away cat named Scaliwag, and sea monsters were amidst. The style and humor these guys had in their songs, along with their already-hilarious outfits and mass of skull-n-crossbone flags among the inside of the building, would make anyone start stomping to the beat of their fiddle and raise their glass laughing. The lead singer pointed out that pirates don't make the "rock" or "peace" symbol at concerts; they make a hook out of their finger and raise it while saying "YARRRGH!". Truly he is a wise man.
Some of the best parts were when they began doing a 'pirate rap' and started chanting "Yo ho ho" to a hip-hop beat, saying it once into his mic then having the audience yell it then he'd say it again, and the process would repeat itself. The other part that cracked me up was when they did a pirate version of Aerosmith's "Walk This Way", named "Walk This Plank".
And then. Of course. They sang "What do you do with a drunken sailor" at the end. These guys kick so much ass. If they ever come by your town to play, you have GOT to see them. Check here:
Before them was a band from Seattle called Awesome. I kid you not. Awesome. And man are these guys aptly named. The humor and style of these guys were on par with Bogg & Salty, just without the pirate theme and sound. Instead they went with a more traditionally suave but funny theme. One of their songs involved fruit revolution, depicting how in the year 2010 fruit will be outlawed. And the people will not be happy. I forget most of the lyrics but I do recall laughing.
After the music, one of our guys had to leave and get back to his family. A good man, he is. A couple of us were craving at that point, so we bought some pizza, sat down and, fittingly, joked about our shitty eating habits (greasy pizza at one in the morning? no problem!). We decided to head up to the office where we work to see if we could sneak some beer from our boss' office, muah hah hah. At that point, another of our crew had to set off back home, so we wished him well and went on our ways. It's down to me, one of my co-workers named Jake and a girl we both know from the local coffee shop, named Gillian. We got to the office building (it was only a few blocks walk) and to our surprise the elevators were working, which is weird because the custodian is supposed to lock them at the end of the day. Eh well. We head up to our floor, walk in the office, disarm the alarm before it goes off, and give Gillian a tour of the place.
Over this past week at our office, we completely redid one side to accomidate the coming of a new employee named Danny. Because he's directly part of creating our sites, he'll be working right next to me and Matt (remember the guy I mentioned earlier who has a family? That's Matt :P). Danny will be working on the programming side of our job. Matts the head web designer and I'm the assistant designer. Jake is the customer associate; he talks to our clients if theres a problem, if they need something updated or added, etc. We've all spent the last week doing less of our real job and more along the lines of building furniture for the new layout. We've also done a lot of moving, particularly of our old desks.
We showed Gillian around, talked about what we do and how things run, and hung out a bit. I showed her a piece of paper Matt gave me that had Bushisms on it (really dumb things Bush has said while in office). A particular favorite of mine is: "Wow! Brazil is big!" We decided against raiding our boss' booze fridge in the end. It was nearing the time Gillian would have to catch a bus in order to get home without walking a long time (boo hoo hoo :P we gave her shit about that for a bit). So after we left the office, we decided to part ways and head onto our seperate paths.
I get home. I see my bed. I fall. I sleep. Best of all, I dream.
Here's what happens:
I'm Spider-Man. Okay so far, this dream kicks ass. I jump down to the street then get dressed into my normal clothes. I spot something that immediately catches my eye: an old bike of mine that was stolen about a year ago (in real life). It's leaning against the wall of a small pizza place. I walk in and start giving the guys who work there shit about it. They're all in on it. They have a bike-stealing ring going on apparently. I go up to the manager to find that it's my boss from real life (the one we considered taking booze from :P). I've always had my suspicions about him, trying to pull things that he KNOWS are wrong, but being part of a bike-thieving ring? That's the last straw.
I confront him about it and suddenly one of the stronger bulkier workers there stands up to me, as if protecting my boss. I headbutt the guy and plant him to the ground, overpowering him. Skip ahead, and I'm on the roof as Spidey. I heard through the news that my boss died somehow, possibly by suicide. This is bewildering, I think. Suddenly, of all things that could happen, Venom shows up, leaping onto the building I'm standing on. I'm panicing, but at the same time, it's fucking Venom. Hell yeah. Awesome comic book fighting ensues. I shoot a web string at him, then somersault forward, swinging him in a face-forward circle before slamming him down onto the ground. I jump from a higher buildings wall, then spring forward at him, feet-forward to his face. I'm getting the upper hand on this guy. Out of nowhere, another Venom shows up. Then another. And another. And another. They're all just showing up and I'm wondering how I can take on all these guys at once.
As if things weren't troubling enough, true believers, the Green Goblin shows up on his glider! And right behind on another glider is... my boss? And he's got long hair? What is this! Him and the Goblin have an exchange of words, as if my boss has learned something and is trying to convince the Goblin this. Y'know, like in anime how the villian turned hero realizes it's better to fight for people and know the power of light or some shit like that. Anyways, the dream starts getting really obscure at that point and I won't even get into it.
One hell of a night. ;)
I think I'll find another way
2006-01-04 15:07:24
omg p0ast
I've had such bad luck with computers lately. Few months back, my portable hard drive that I always carried with me stopped working. Then my 120gb hard drive started making funny noises then gives me errors when I try to use it. Now as of late my labtop is going slower than a whale in mud for whatever reason. I'm thinking some formatting needs to be done. I'm still tinkering with my labtop for the cause of it's behavior, but I'm burning stuff left and right from the 120-gigger before I wipe it. If worse comes to worse I'll have to do the same for the portable. Only thing that bothers me about doing that is having to re-rip the DVDs, neither of which I don't own but would have to re-rent again, considering one isn't even in America yet (for legal purchase anyways, oh ho ho!)
I think I'll finish this entry later. Me at work :o
Doom mooD
2005-11-02 12:01:09
I saw Doom a couple weeks ago. I personally enjoyed it. While the first half was very meh, the last half had me smiling. The FPS scene had me laughing and clapping out of just sheer giddiness that they decided to pull something like that off. The final fight at the end was also pretty enjoyable. What bothers me is why everyone else seems to get this idea that they should expect anything more than a "turn-off-your-brain" action flick. You've seen the trailers and TV spots right? It's a movie about guys running around shooting monsters. That should tell you something: your standards mean dick if you should CHOOSE to go see this. Pull the stick out of your ass, quit going to movies you know inside you won't enjoy yet expect to be Citizen Kane and simply have a good time.
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