JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • This is my workplace: 2005-10-31 15:15:55 [11:47 AM]<jake>
    [11:48 AM]<Kirk> That was kinda dumb man
    [11:48 AM]<Kirk> You failed
    [11:49 AM]<jake> too bad.
    [11:51 AM]<Kirk>
    [12:02 PM]<jake> that WASNT kinda dumb?
    [12:03 PM]<Kirk> Just doing an even trade man
    [12:03 PM]<jake> SHUSH your filthy mouth mortal
    [12:03 PM]<Kirk> Believe me though I can find much dumber things
    [12:03 PM]<jake> I am so not so the mortal that you so think that i am so.
    [12:03 PM]<jake> so...
    [12:03 PM]<jake> shut your piehole!
    [12:03 PM]<Kirk> What!
    [12:04 PM]<Kirk> This is the best conversation ever
    [12:04 PM]<jake> lol

    What were you expecting, an entry relating to AMVs? Psch!

  • AWA spazzing 2005-09-21 14:42:42 I leave for AWA early tomorrow morning and for some reason I'm really nervous about meeting all the people I'll see there for the first time. MJ, Flux, Castor, Zarx, Carlos, Chops, the Milos, Hitori and all those guys. It feels weird, as if I'm jittery but most of me knows that it's hardly a big deal. Maybe I'm just scared of first impressions; I've been known to have some weird experiences with those, all of which will remain silent right now.
    I'll probably forget who some people are right after I meet them, knowing me heheh.
    Geh. We shall see.

    In the mean time, Snake knows how to show his thang. 
  • Saddening conclusions 2005-09-15 13:18:33 I've come to realize something about my girlfriend: I think she loves me for the fact that she has someone she can have some relief with. I talk to her about her day, she tells me how she feels; I'm a therapist. I'm HER therapist. Because of that I don't think this will truly work as a romantic relationship. I'd like to stay alongside her as a friend (and therapist, heh) but this kind of relationship feels almost empty beyond that. We've no common ground other than a few small things like us going to the same church and that we both know at least a bit about old TV shows and movies.

    It hurts to say but I have to downgrade the relationship back down to a friendship, and it worries (possibly scares me) how she might feel if it hurt her as bad as I think it could. She's a tough cookie but she has soft spots and I'm not quite sure if trying to find "the right guy" is one of them.

    Onward, we shall see.

    "The songs of the season are heard the year round..." ~ XenoGears 
  • Demons & Candy 2005-09-14 17:59:59 Lately my taste buds have yearned for caramel Twix. Our snack box here in the office only gets one Twix each time the "snack guy" comes, so I make it a race to get to it first every time he comes. I remember back in the day they had Cookies & Cream Twix, which undoubtedly was one of the tastiest things ever made. A tragic decision it was to stop producing those. The chewiness, the crunch, the wrinkly texture of the chocolate. If it weren't brown it'd be gold.

    I rented Constantine last night, just to see how bad everyone says it is and surprisingly enough I found myself enjoying most of it. The tools, gadgets and weapons Keanu used lulled out my inner geek whenever he used or brought one out. Having never read the comics, I found the movie to be entertaining; there was no inner voice in my head compelling me to compare the movie to the comics, something that was actually quite refreshing. Enjoy a movie instead of putting it under a microscope? Capital idea, old chum! Anyways yeah, I liked it. Pschaw to you all who hated it for comic-accuracy reasons.

    I have a deliciously sinister live-action video idea in mind, action and horror its flavors. I won't say much about it right now, just that all I need to do is buy the "trilogy" ;) 
  • Editing Pro Gress I De Gress 2005-09-09 14:26:52 VG3: Done
    Unearthed: 75% Editing
    Project Genius: 15% Idea-ing (hur hur)
    Shameless Sappy Video: 10% Editing

    Might ditch the sappy video, I'm not feeling all that dedicated to it. One project that I've been wanting to do badly lately is something purely action to the Devilman OVAs. Recently watched those and fell in love with them, despite the inconclusive ending; the fighting was just that much fun.

    Another one that's been vegetating in the back of my mind is a slow teary video to the Blue song from Bebop. Visions from different anime (or possibly a particular one) float to my mind when I hear the song, images of people wandering or thinking as the lyrics float through their minds.

    My main hard drive has been acting wonky lately, I'll probably end up getting a new one sometime soon. Gotta save on spending though, lest I end up with two bucks and the shirt on my back once I get back from AWA. The dealer's room calls to me...

    "Life is just a dream y'know, it's never ending. I'm ascending." 
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