JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Ah the workplace. 2005-08-26 13:14:46 [10:05 AM]<Kirk>
    [10:06 AM]<jake> IS
    [10:06 AM]<jake> SO
    [10:06 AM]<jake> FUNNY!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!
    [10:06 AM]<Kirk> It is the first time
    [10:06 AM]<Kirk> And only the first time
    [10:07 AM]<jake> can i have some of YOUR hashbrowns??
    [10:08 AM]<Kirk> Dude, gross 
  • Trumpets + Punk = Ska 2005-08-19 11:50:11
    New CG movie from a debut studio. Reminds me a lot of Ghost in the Shell 2, with a thick layer of art wrapped around it. That and as well as the character design in it (white robot bodies deassembling themselves). I just hope the movie keeps the story flowing instead of trying to swoon the audience over with it's abilities in an animation studio program, lest it end up like Sky Blue. How an animation looks is important, but doesn't purely drive it.
    Hell, look at Now & Then, Here & There. The character designs and animation are clean and simple. In fact, if you sit back and look at the series from a certain perspective, the child-like design of the characters' look only enhances the shows message. It's almost ironic. Or interesting. Either way, I wholesomely chuckle.

    Editing is for fun! Need to compress my gig-sized VG3 track and it'll be done. So very very done.

    I swear, I should re-write my video descriptions one of these days.  
  • Man, Faye is HOT = Man-Faye is HOT 2005-07-28 23:39:33 Never give an opinion in college unless you're naturally a verbal fighter and can back up your arguement. It's like throwing a red dodgeball at a shark and trying to run away but you can't because you're underwater. Also, the ball didn't hit the shark.

    I've been crusing the Multi-Editor Projects section and have been downloading the mixes available. Quite a few good mixes out there. I especially love the Linkin Park Revolution and Unearthed Mix. Although I gotta say the Unearthed one could use some tweeking, espeically when the blending of the same song skips a beat. However because I'm a total E.S. Posthumus nerd, I threw myself into the project. Another thing for me to procrastinate. o_o
    Actually I've been doing quite a bit of editing lately. I guess with one of the major projects in my life done I'm getting a decent second wind. I hope it's that and not... THAT! :o

    Meanwhile, this is adorable: 
  • I don't sit well with falling planes 2005-07-28 14:28:35 Just purchased my plane ticket for AWA. =|;ŹD

    Leaving at 6AM, coming into Atlanta at 5:30PM. I think I'll just stay up all night before leaving playing video games, chatting, watching anime and editing.

    Maybe I can beat my old record of beating RE2 under three hours... >_> 
  • @Flinté 2005-07-28 01:55:29 Missed the entry before your most recent one. Thanks for the best wishes and YES it was a Masterplan reference. :O

    Take it easy sir and good luck on your new video ;) 
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