JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • I'll update your MOM 2005-07-22 03:19:51 Social Life
    I'm in love and this time so is the girl. :D We met in church and I just can't get enough of her. Her spirit is just so... strong, so defiant against whatever happens to her ("THE SPIRIT NEVER DIIIIEEESSS!!"). After I talk with her on the phone each night I just get so antsy and giddy, I turn into a complete spaz. She does so much in her time and does it so well that she inspires me just thinking about her. Sometimes I feel almost unworthy to be with her. :P
    I'm so lucky it's not even funny. :) But I'll smile anyways.

    Work & School
    Still at the web design job and things are great. I hope to be here for a long time until I find something closer still to my field. Speaking of which, I've been debating in my mind between continuing the world of video and media design or go into firefighting. It's became down to these two when I visited the Art Institute and took a tour with the Dean of Admissions. I realized I was still shaky about going into this career for good. I know I can always switch fields but going there and deciding against it even a quarter of the way through the Bachelor program is still a LOT of money to say "Oh well" to.
    The reason I feel this way is because... well, c'mon, does the world need another guy to distract it from reality with flashy videos, artsy things that make us ponder more rather than act (not saying that thinking is bad, just that a level of moderation is in order), and such? No, it needs people to help piece it back together as it begins to fall apart, physically and emotionally. Who knows, maybe it's a lost cause to attempt, but I'll be damned if I'll sit idly by without trying.
    It's come down to what the world needs or what I myself want. I'm far too humble and self-sacrificial to say "to hell with everyone else" as I go play with cameras and computers for the rest of my days. I also believe that by doing this I may inspire others to do the same, to adapt whatever skills they have to helping the world around them instead of creating distractions. I apologize if it sounds like I'm against art (far from it in fact), I just get so tired of hearing people talk, dwell and even argue about the most pointless little things like if Han shot first, instead of talking about what they could be doing to at least help the human race.

    Wow I really went off on a tangent there.

    Anyways, I'm going into firefighting. See you there Wonka. :P

    "Well I'd walk a million miles to give all that she needs. And she'd walk a million more to do what she believes."
    Perfect Day by Collective Soul & Elton John 
  • Godspeed 2005-07-18 13:54:11 New video. Something I worked off and on inbetween big projects.

    Hope you feel pumped after watching it :O 
  • 2005-07-17 02:27:03 Sammy, it is true you are popular, but definitely not in the positive way. The reason I check your journal is because everyone love a good villian. You're trying but you're coming up short as a whiner and egotistical annoyance. This is not to say that you should try harder at it, but rather become someone people can look up to and think fondly of you. You may think this occurs as is because of your videos and that may be true, but that regards only those who know you by your videos, not who you really are. It's sad to say, but it is truth.

    If you respond to this entry, I recommend doing so in a way that would seem constructive, such as countering what I've said in a polite, mature fashion. However and unfortunately, I assume you will slander me with something that will have little to nothing about this topic or me, such as what you did with your counter-entry with Scintilla. I hope this is not the case. 
  • Okay Chang, now 2005-07-13 16:31:52
    The FFVI Character Project is done at long last.
    The years have been good to it.

    Now on to the re-edit of my VG3 and PG tracks... ;_; 
  • No not yet Chang 2005-05-10 16:49:03 "Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever."

    One of the best quotes I've ever heard, and it's from a Starbucks cup. How ironic.

    Found a posting on Craigslist about a guy looking for an assistant editor (video, image and text). It's 20 hours a week at $15/hr, totalling at 300 a week. I currently make $10/hr at an average 36 hours a week, which is 360 a week. I'd be making a little less but my schedule would be much better since I have school as well. This is assuming the guy even responds to my email about the position. :P
    I'm still in conflicts about the idea of getting another job. It's a nice setup here at my current one: the boss takes us out to Starbucks now and again, it's a laid back office and I'm doing a little of what I know well, although it's mostly HTML design. Mleh.
    I'll just have to weigh things out.

    We'll see. 
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