Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)
omg pie u have a jurnal?!
2005-04-09 00:15:43
Been a while since my last entry. Updates amongus! Observe:
I no longer have the call center job (the appointment setter position). It happened in a kinda coincidental way: I was riding the MAX train back home from work, tired physically and of the job and I had only been there a week. I found a newspaper, one of those strange local ones with weird covers, entertaining articles and comics that make you question the sanity of those with brilliant art skills. In the Classifieds section I saw an ad for Data Entry, which was what I was looking for in the first place when I was job hunting. I figured why not and gave the ad's number a call.
As it turned out, it was actually a staffing agency simply advertising an open position one of their company clients had open. When I went to the office after setting up an interview they told me that the Data Entry had already been filled. HOWEVER. They told me that a website business (or as they're called now, a .com business, hur hur) was looking for someone to help with maintaining and updating the sites they host.
I'll be honest: the farthest my skills in HTML ever got was with my old site, which consisted of two frames, text and images. I was far from being a stellar web-designer.
I shrugged off my unconfident fear and applied for the position anyways. The president of the company and the web designing supervisor interviewed me, helping me feel more comfortable and relaxed with their small jokes but big laughs. I told them about how I had some previous web-designing skills but mostly relished in video- and image-editing. Apparently I had said the right things because two days later I got a call that made the rest of that day brighter and sunnier. And the week. And month.
A few days after I was hired, the president of the company (Eddie) wanted to see some of the videos I had made. I showed him Enter The Chicken and my Lord of the Rings / Matrix Reloaded trailer and a few others, but those were his absolute favorites. He went nuts over the LotR/Matrix one.
Eddie said that he mostly hired me for video-editing purposes. :O He mentioned that his company wanted to begin moving in that direction of advertisement and coincidentally, I just happen to come out of nowhere, unemployed.
About a week ago, he actually bought me a flash drive so I could transfer files (namely video files) from my work computer to my home computer, or vice versa. I imagine he wants me to use it sometime in the future for work-related purposes, but so far I've been using it to transfer videos and songs I download at work and school then taking them home with me (mwa ha ha).
Three weeks after being hired, I've learned more web-design code, gained a few buddies who love to laugh and tell stories and have a large steady paycheck. My employment situation is good. Suspiciously good. :P
And that's the story of how I became king of Ireland.
The FFVI Character Project trips over itself as it strides toward progress, as usual. I've yet to finish making the credits (bah) and only ONE more track is left to turn in by an editor. So close, yet so far.
I find it funny that I might be torturing some of the other editors (especially Chang) by simply mentioning this :P
I find it downright hilarious!
I've made a new video. Yes, despite many other things in my To-Do pile I've found the time to make a completely new video. I'm such a bastard. Sorry Atomx. :X :P
The AniMatrix meets Pirates of the Caribbean & the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. That's all I'm going to say about it for now. I'll release it once I get other projects out of the way, namely FFVI, PG and the revision of my RVG track. It'd be more appropriate that way.
Three months ago my brother and his girlfriend welcomed me into their apartment. Three months later their patience has thinned and it's time I find a place to call my own.
I'm hugely grateful that they asked to have me come into my home when I was staying at my sister's apartment. After a good while though, it's a hell of a lot harder to stand each other's presence, especially in close quarters. Doesn't change the fact that I love 'em both and hold dear to their kind acts.
Coincidentally (there's that word again oO) my friend called me a few days ago asking if he'd be interested in having me move in with them to a new place, somewhere around the end of the month. Talk about luck. SUSPICIOUS LUCK, no less.
I'm gonna meet him tomorrow and we'll talk more about where in town we should look and all those little details that can make both the phone conversations and phone bills long.
I wonder though, if living with another couple would be a good idea. After two times now, I can tell you it can have some awkward (being asked to stay in your room so they can have a romantic evening ¬¬;) as well as fun times (watching movies, discussing deep subjects and playing Scrabble! :D). I dunno, maybe I'm just thinking too much.
*pokes finger in ear, tickles brain, giggles furiously*
"Hmm... I don't FEEL drunk..." ~ Guy Pierce, Memento
the deadly knowledge that moves throughout
2005-03-04 19:47:19
Finally have a job, as an appointment setter for a wholesale company. I'll have to read up and figure out what exactly that means...
Saw the movie Sky Blue a week or so ago. The first half was boring as hell but it picked up in the second half. The dubbed voices threw the drama of the movie right out the window though. Don't dub directors know when something just sounds bad!? Professionals my ass.
Started and almost finished with a new video. Being less than one and a half minutes long does that I suppose. :P I'll let the video and audio be a surprise, along with the fact that it's a SERIOUS video. Can it be!? Truly, it is so.
Future entry will mention the details. ;)
It's so nice to finally start to get things back in order. I can start paying people back, I can worry a hell of a lot less about budget, I can start pitching in with the bills and rent. It may sound crazy to other who actually do have jobs, but to be honest I have a really hard time from going crazy unless I have responsibilities.
It's weeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrdd!!!
Also, I can start saving up to go to AWA.
Oh hell yes.
Wow. Life blows.
2005-02-08 23:14:36
I wish I had the patience to explain why it does, but for now that's where I stand.
Living In Portland, Chapter 4... or is it 5? Maybe it's 3, I forget.
2005-01-24 20:16:39
Got myself settled at my brother's apartment earlier this week after moving out of my sister's. I think of this current time as one of those "downs" when they say that life has it's ups and downs but it'll end soon enough. As my mom likes to say, "this too shall pass". Humorously, that quote is in Resident Evil 2 as graffiti near the beginning of the game. :P Conspiracy!
I'm slowly adjusting my sleep schedule to be healthy as well as adaquete for finding a daytime job. Yeah yeah, still unemployed... I'd be on the street if it weren't for my family, providing me with money, food, room, etc while I find a job. I owe them so many thanks it's not ven funny.
Yes folks. They rock that much.
My brother's place doesn't have internet (as some might have seen me say on the FFVI Project thread), so I rarely get a chance to post or talk. No AIM for me until we get internet, if we do. :X If not, that's fine. It'll probably be healthier for me, to be honest. I'd probably get to bed sooner, I'd focus more on my editing (which is going surprisingly well) and concentrate on acquiring a job quicker.
Until I see a computer again...
tally-ho, good gents and madams.
"I don't hate you because you're fat; you're fat because I hate you." ~ Mean Girls
*circus music ensues*
2005-01-18 02:31:49
Emailed a company seeking a Production Assistant/Assistant Editor about the posistion, and I'm nervous as hell that I won't get it. At the same time, I'm slightly giddy about the idea of getting it. Basically, I'd help set up equipment at shoots and encode the footage into compressed and uncompressed format.
What the company does it make videos for hospital and/or disease patients. For instance, a person realizes he's diagnosed with herpes; the company would show them a video or make a video about what to do or not do regarding the disease. It goes far beyond that obviously, but that's the gist of it.
I was talking to my brother-in-law about it and mentioned the name, asking if he had ever heard about it, and coincidentally he used to do finance for them. Being the maniacally-thinking evildoer I am, I immediately thought of how that could benefit me applying there. :P
Nah. If they ask for a reference, I'll mention him but won't immediately throw it out that I'm related to one of their former employees.
In AMV related news, the FFVI project continues to make progress. The credits are about halfway done (possibly less, considering I'm going to redo a major portion of them). My VG3 track is making headway at long last, and my PG track continues to dither behind with promises of completion in less than a decade. ><
At this point, my "new" Trigun video may be a good while, if it even sees the light of day. :P Speaking of individual videos, I've been meaning to do a simple action video; just to vent some creative-adrenaline. It starts to build up after a while and ya gotta do something with it eventually. :D
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