JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Pie no likey life 2005-01-10 17:06:00 I'm slowly losing my mind from stress. I've still acquired no job, I currently have less than five dollars in m bank account, I've woken up with a cold today and I feel that asking anyone of my friends or family for money would only degrade my current mood.
    Even if I get this job I applied for and had an interview with for, I still have to wait two weeks before anything bacon is brought home, so I feel as thought I've little choice but to ask my parents for money... again. RRRrr... !!

    I'm again moving, this time to my brother's apartment. The ironic part? I'm mostly moving so I can help him with bills, of which I cannot at the moment. Because of how far away my brother's place is from my church, I may have to stop going which sucks because I like the people there. It's just too far away.

    Sucky times... :( 
  • No wonder zombies were made to not feel pain... 2004-12-30 16:13:59 Because no living creature could deal with the pain of a backache years in the making, as they sit in their coffins for years and years.
    I woke up this morning from one of the worst nights of sleep ever. I took some Nyquil to help me get to sleep sooner than I usually do. I conked out at 10:30 or so, only to wake up about an hour and a half later groggily but not tired enough to fall back asleep immediately. Rrrgggh...
    I get myself out of the bed, realizing I don't have the energy or patience to do anything to get me to sleep quicker. Reading sounds boring, editing sounds like a headache, a movie would probably only wake me up more, and it's late enough that I shouldn't be making too much noise like exercising. Essentially, I force myself back to bad after turning my comp off. I wake up some odd amount of hours later, with my back in a bit of pain. I shrug it off, thinking that the pain level it's at is normal and I'm used to it. If only I could fool myself into thinking that way the following morning: I wake up a little after 11 AM to find my back in huge amounts of pain. I probably was just asleep too long in the wrong posistion or something, but it also feels as if there might be a slight bit of swelling since it's not as easy to move my lower back. Knowing me I'll just shrug that off too and take some Tylenol or something :P

    If zombies DID feel pain though, I could level with them and understand a little better why they're so irritated when they wake up. 
  • Confusion of a medium caliber 2004-12-30 00:00:14 Glehh... so hard to stay hopeful and on-task when one is looking for employment, especially when things are inevitably building up around him...

    Strange things are occuring involving my bank account.
    Less than a week ago, I looked at it and saw that it had $42 or so in it. The thing is, it was $35 last time I looked at it and I never made any deposits. No big deal, but it gets stranger. I look at it a few days later to see that it's grown to $65. Yet I've still made no deposits recently (save for today when I deposited 40). Not that I mind free money, really, but it's the part in the back in my mind repeating to me, "Who did this? And how did they get into my account?" Cool, but weird, but still cool.

    Gonna move out of my sister's apartment soon, possibly within a week. My sister and her husband are a bit irritated that I'm there. They say that I'm no bother but I still have that awkward feeling that I'm disturbing. I unintentionally keep them up at night, most of all; our rooms are literally right next to each other. I really should stop staying up so late. I'm very much grateful for them letting me stay with them these past few months, but it's time for me to let them have their space back. They need room, not a roommate.
    I'm moving into my brothers apartment, which I'm still a little unsure of where exactly it is. I know it's close to where my sister's place is, so it's not that far. To be honest, my brother needs me there more than my sister does; he pulls rent and the bills by himself as a cab driver.

    I feel like a ball of beat-up wax and I don't know why. 
  • Speak of the devil 2004-12-22 19:11:14 How ironic of my last journal entry:

    I called the manager of my work today to see if there's anything I needed to fill out or sign because of me being suspended. He said that instead I no longer work there. When I was suspended, he (the general manager, the only one who can fire people) wasn't there. So apparently he made the decision to let me go when he learned of my recent tardiness. So, here I sit typing in my little journal, unemployed and with shaky nerve-racked fingers.

    No blubbering. No remorse. I have to move on and learn from my mistakes.
    Hopefully I can continue to convince myself of that...

    And a job-hunting we will go. 
  • The fun of consequences 2004-12-22 07:56:37 I'll say this about being suspended from work: while I may be dirt poor for the next few weeks, I'm getting buttloads of free time to edit and play games :D

    I just recently downloaded K-Type's video Hales Mom. Hot damn is this guy on my favorite editors list. Hysterically recommended, ya'll: 
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