JOURNAL: Pie Row Maniac (Kirk Fryrear)

  • Consequences 2004-12-18 22:58:05 Was late for work again, and got suspended for two weeks (missed two shifts and was late. Bad time for this to happen, with Christmas and all. I'll be able to get by though, hopefully, just have to be extremely picky about my budget for a while. I also have to dip into my savings for now as well. Ugh.
    Why do I keep doing this to myself? I act too carefree and it bites me in the ass time after time, and I still act sluggish and lazy and irresponsible. I HAVE to get out of this mindset, it's too destructive to me and, most of all, those that depend on me. It's not so much that I won't have my next paycheck until mid-January, but rather that the people I care for see me in a darker light now, as if they see me as a person they can't depend on. If my friends can't rely on me, then what's the point? Besides that, how can I myself even rely on me if I'm going to act this way.

    Early New Years Resolution: Tighten my grip on my responsibilities 
  • Spidey goodness for the new millenium 2004-12-16 19:06:07 Just today's class left and I'm on Christmas break. Hoo. Rah.
    >< <m>

    I'm thinking of getting the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. It's a whole other Marvel universe where Peter Parker basically becomes Spider-Man at sixteen (like normal) but in the present times. For example, he works at the Daily Bugle like he normally did but this time he works on the Daily Bugle's website as the web designer. It SOUNDS funny I know, but they pull it off in a way that fits the present times so nicely. The reason he got that job anyways was because he presented Jonah with a picture of Spidey, so it's not THAT off from the original story. :P

    A few other things are mixed around too, but it makes things more surprising that way. So far there's only 10 books (each book is a collection of a lot of the comics). The latest one is hyterical: movie makers start making a Spider-Man film and the actual one swings onto the set and blows them all off, saying they don't have his permission and whatnot. It's a great arguement. They use names from the actual Spidey movies too (Sam, Bruce, Tobey, etc.). At one point he starts yelling, pointing at everyone saying "You suck! And you suck! And... okay Evil Dead 2 was cool, but the rest of you suck!"
    So great.

    15 bucks a pop, per book. I still have to get my sister a Christmas gift, so maybe after the holidays.

    "Nay! We are but man! ROCK!" ~ Jack Black 
  • The possibilities are as infinite as the oppurtunities 2004-12-13 06:11:36 I've realized that I really have a hard time figuring out how to be successfully dramatic in a music video; dramatic in the sense of possibly invoking tears. It's done to me quite a bit, and I wouldn't mind knowing the feeling of a person telling me that I made them cry in a way that touched their hearts. I pray that I may be able to do such a thing when I create a video based on hope.

    Also, Fluxy needs to respond to my VG3 request email!

    "And who could ever make my heart feel woozy, only thou my fair sweet Suzy." ~ Calvin-Clone, Calvin & Hobbes 
  • Weirdest night of sleep ever... 2004-12-08 18:12:11 Being a digital junkie, I stay up way too late all the time, except when I know I have to be somewhere in the morning. Last night is a perfect example: I didn't have work until 5 PM the next day so I could easily stay up and sleep in the next day.

    I ended up staying up til 5:30 AM, which is fine for some people, but for me it's ridiculous. I have to think of my health, especially with all the crap food I feed my body.

    I wake up the next day groggilly and lurch my way over to my cell phone (my only currently working clock :P). My mind thinks it says 1745 hours. To those who can't read military time, that means 5:45 PM. Oh. Shit.

    I curse and hurryingly throw myself in the shower, thinking that I might get suspended for being late again (2nd or 3rd time in the past couple of months; my phone's alarm stopped working, rrr..). I think about how I might have to borrow money, something I absolutely detest doing, and during the Christmas season no less. What a mess of situations...

    I get out of the shower, looking for clothes and my uniform when I see outside and realize that it's still slightly bright out, or possibly too bright. Considering it's getting closer to winter, it gets difficult to determine how bright it should be at different parts of the day. Either way, I know that it's not the right level of light for late evening. I suspiciously walk over to my cell phone.

    800 hours. 8 AM.

    I could've melted like a stack of newspapers in the pouring rain. All I did was simply think that there was a one in front of the time, probably due to sleeping for two hours. Funny how a single digit can change and do so much. :P

    I went to the other side of the apartment (it's a two-sided place; I have a room and bathroom to myself, the other side has my sister and her husband, along with the kitchen and living room :P)to get some cereal. I see that my brother-in-law is up and ready for his work and explain the strange night I had. We then exchanged pleasentries and went our seperate paths; he went to work and I took my bowl of Apple Jacks back to my room.

    After I goof on the computer for a bit, I realize that I'm still damned tired, and flopped onto my bed to get sleep that I had earlier-unknowingly missed.

    Then I had the most badass dream ever.

    Me and my brother (not my real brother, but actually Al from FMA; apparently I'm Edward) are in our apartment, which we share with two of our friends. Suddenly, one of the two friends and I realize that we're the Dragons of Heaven and Earth (an anime crossover dream; hell yeah). He's Heaven, I'm Earth. Funny; in real life I would have considered being Heaven, but in my dream I automatically went with Earth. Either it's the real way to go about doing the right way of things, or my mind instantly went with it's concept of being a "good guy". Who knows.

    Anyways, the Dragon of Heaven now calls himself Domitron, or something along those lines. As for me, I didn't take this whole thing all that seriously. I was just swinging around from poles and jumping great heights, having fun with my powers. This dream just keeps getting more and more enjoyable by the moment. At one point, I'm not sure when, Domitron comes up to me after he realizes him becoming a Dragon of Heaven, and offers me to become his partner. He's got a huge grin on his face, creeping me out. I say "No thanks" but in my mind think "Fuck that".

    At this point, I wake up for some reason. I don't know what time it was that I woke up, but I just layed there awake for a bit before just simply falling asleep.

    Apparently, much had happened since my last dream: my friend, the now Dragon of Heaven Dimatron, is also apparently the AntiChrist. He becomes globally popular, and I see him everywhere now. He's talking about how he wants global peace and unity of religion. To me, it's like he's pulling a bad acting job whenever I see him in an interview on TV or wherever. He's just a crappy actor.

    I head back to my apartment, where I find Al hanging out. Just when we start talking about what's happening, the place begins shaking like an earthquake. Instantly, I know that we're being attacked. And I instantly know that it's Dimatron. I head outside, knowing that I can transform my metal arm into a weapon if necessary (remember, I'm still Edward :P). Also, if I see someone pull a gun on me I can turn the thing into sand or mush or whatever. I'm prepared.

    I head outside, and at this point my memory of the dream starts to fail. I recall at this point that the other friend of the apartment (not Dimatron, not Al, but the leftover one) becomes Dimatron's right-hand man. He is apparently destined to fight with Al, since Al's my partner. Things get fuzzy and I don't remember much else of what happened.

    Other than the dream being fuzzy and inconclusive, it was probably one of the most fun and adventurous dreams I've had in a while.  
  • Life's little updates 2004-12-05 06:27:37 I recently found out through a tutorial how to make GIFs using Photoshop/ImageReady. That's right! I was too lazy to find out for THIS long!
    Beforehand, I used Uleads GIF Animator. Bit of a hassle, but it got the job done. I wanted to do a Christmas avatar using my usual bear one, and wanted something animated. The copy of Ulead GIF I had was a trial version, so it inspired ages ago. Hence, motivation was born! Yar.

    I'm so tempted to do a Robocop/Heat Guy J VG3 segment, but I've never even played Robocop, even as a kid. Oh well.

    Back to FFVI and PG! 
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