JOURNAL: Whitey (James White)

  • Parents Suck 2005-07-16 01:43:16 This summer is pretty shitty so far. My god damn parents arent very impressed over my report card.....thus I'm pretty much 'unoffically' they dont actually ground me...its moreso..Im not allowed to do things I its all pretty stupid. I could get 90's and it still wouldnt be good enough..which is why Ive almost giving up achieving a 67.5 average...even though only one of my classes was high then that -_-
    Time to I can over-sleep thus being tired enough to sleep threw the day until Im eventually allowed to do stuff......bastardly parents 
  • 0_0 2005-06-30 14:39:42 Elfen Lied and Giglamesh are incredible
    I cant wait till more are out to rent/buy 
  • Done Exams ^_^ 2005-06-28 03:39:41 Today was my last exam so now Im free for the summer. Ive hoepfully got a job secured with my neighbor so I can pull in some cash that way. A few days back I had a going away party for my friend moving to Hamilton (if any of you who may actually live there....if you meet a Carli...shes my good friend) and we all had a great time....nobody got sleep. We stayed up the whole night and ate jub jub 's and drank pop while watching the sun rise...walked to Safeways at 6 am and just loitered......what a fun day. The last days for me were 100% fun with friends 
  • Exam Week 2 2005-06-21 22:27:39 And so begins my exams....4 this semester @_@
    Ah well.....they shouldnt be to hard so my shitty low marks will become decent ^_^ Ill update with my after exam marks later but heres where I stand now
    Im only failing foods because the teacher is a bitch and marks me like a nazi. Only because Im different >:( Ah well, I can still pass the exam easy 
  • I am such an idiot 2005-06-17 18:30:12 *smashes head into brick wall* -_- 
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