Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)
2003-02-03 00:33:43
Well, I sent in the forms to fix my video info.
...So far, nothing has happened.
All I want is to change a typeo in the name of one of my videos, and add right song info to the other.
However, one problem was that I had to make a new fake video to enter in the song that I needed for the other video. So I also have to have one video deleated.
All of this is not happening. I want to know why. But I guess I never will.
*two months later* [close up on trashcan overflowing with crumpled papers]
2003-01-30 14:38:46
...Hello, it's been a while.
*the massive amount of nobody caring hit him (me) like a wave*
Oh, that's right... No one cares, nor should they.
Anyway not much has happened. I'm just about finished with my new trigun video. It's not anything like I said it was going to be, I still have an idea to do those videos in the future.
In the worse form of optimism, I'm going to not release this video until after it gets rejected at AX2003. This requires a lot of will power on my part, and there for will most likely be released before hand. (seeing as I have no will power what so ever)
I'm still swimming, less days a week though.
OH oh, I figure I can brag here since now one will see it anyway.
I got a 4.0 gpa in my first semester of collage. ^_^
Of course, it helped that I was taking the collage equivalent of Pottery, free study, and art appreciation. (art appreciation, in case you don't know, is a class where you look at pictures, lesson to music, or watch movies, and then appreciate it)
Now, if for some reason, you want to help me out and reject my video before AX time, I would be happy to send the video to a few screeners, to tell me that my video sucks early, so I don't make more of an ass of my self later on that I aready have. I have a few people I know I'm going to ask, but if you want to be among that select group of people just let me know.
(my e-mail is)
Oh, and the reason i can spell big words like art, and semester, is because my new browser (Safari, mac only) has a built in spell checker. That makes me look much better. ^_^
Normaly I don't like to slam creators...
2002-12-08 17:27:59
But this guys video's just suck worse that I can even tell you. >_< He even has some hosting, its such a waste of space.
Anyway, now that is over, I got over 2000 hits on my Journal, and that's cool.
I wish I had one more review on my 4 videos and a fuck up amv, cause then I would have 3 and it would apear on stuff. Also two more on my new video would rock as well. I never did get into writting mroe reviews like I said I was, I guess I'm just evil like that. ...poo
Peace Out
Randomness: I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
New Ideas...
2002-12-03 01:14:00
I need to wait untill I get a lot more footage before I can make my great video I have in mind. So I will make a good video using one sereis while I wait to get the money to make the other video. I need to do something till then, and it might be a while. ^_^
Peace out
Randomness: Sad sad sad die.
He keeps his word.
2002-12-01 20:35:30
Well, here it is, later today. My video rotation has happened a while ago, but i figgured I would right in here to let you people (all 5 that will look at this) now my 4 videos and a fuck up is up. You can check my profile if you wish for a link to it.
Thats about it.
Peace out
randomness: The day with out pants.
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 03:56:03