JOURNAL: Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)

  • Advice to bloodyfang from someone who knows jack about anything.j 2002-11-30 05:16:48 Well, I was all ready to go to bed when I read Bloodyfangs's journal, and the last few.

    Dude, how can you love someone who you describe as petty, dismissive, a flirt, and seems to make you misrable?

    One more thing, I don't know if a amv is the best way to go. I mean, I understand how much you can put into an amv, but to the genral public (which I'm guessing, maybe wrongly) she is a member of) anime is already creapy enough, but then to spend enought time to make one of these things. (lets hope she does not know how much work it really, is, or maybe it's better she does)

    Anyway, that was my 3 second advice, and keep in mind that I have no exsperince, or any clue what I'm saying. I really should have just kept this to my self, but I'm funny that way. >_<

    Good luck! I'll have to check out your videos sometime not right now. ^_^ (like later today, after I wake up)

    Peace out

    randomness: eat the cookie, feel the pain. 
  • Some time that is not now. 2002-11-30 05:05:51 Somtime after I wake up later today, I will rotate my videos again. I think this time I will have my dramtic eva video up, rather than my dramtic Love Hina video. So errr, look for another update later. I'm going to bed for now though.

    ...once again, I'm sure everyone cared. ^_^

    Peace Out

    Randomness: Bush is a fuck head, and I'm not afraid to say it. 
  • 2002-11-26 14:51:36

    That's right, I got a new video. Now 12674! (what ever that means)

    Anyway, go check it out if you have time, it's a fast link. ^_^

    Err, now time to start getting footage together for my next video. -_-

    Peace Out

    Randomness: Sit down and stop being and asshole. 
  • Prase Be God, or .mac account, which ever hears this first. 2002-11-25 21:56:56 Look what I did for all of you loving fans (many who have never even heard of me, the heathens) I went and used the hosting I have been paying for. What's up you might, or might not ask? Well, right now I'm hosting a link to my first, and best reviewed video. Why, because I like that video better than many of my others, mostly because other people like it. I only have 100 mbs, so I will be rotating what videos are working ever few weeks, or when someone asks me for something. If you want to see this video, go to the link at the bottom. (the link is mega fast, think 70 to 200 k fast, unless you are ungodly and are stuck on a poor 56k)

    Anyway, I will release my latest video any day now.

    Once again, I'm sure you all cared. (hell, I bearly cared, and it's my video)

    Oh, 1993 of you have seen my profile, I'm shoud be at 2000 in a year or so. That will be just amazing. That's like one view per year. (on an AD clander) ...only minus two.
    Peace Out

    Randomness: It's that time of the month. 
  • Keep clicking, almost at a whooping 2000 hits. 2002-11-20 03:35:07 I'm basicly talking to my self. That what a journal is for right? My freind keeps trying to make fun of me. Your writing in a Diary he says. I exsplain that a it's a journal, and there for much more masculen. (I then beat my chest or something) Besides, he has no room to talk, he where a god damn apron where ever he goes. (no shiit)

    Anyway, back on to something you will care about even less, the links are coming. That's about all I got to say on that.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: The avarge user aggrment.

    dear valued custmer,

    We have you by the balls, any move we don't like will result in an extra 10 pounds per square inch of pressure. We may kill any of you family members at our sole desscresson. You also will never sue us even if we blow you up on purposs. Now kindly (or not) fuck off.

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