JOURNAL: Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)

  • Well, my new links should be coming. 2002-11-18 02:13:48 I think somone hammered my http. That's the only way I can exsplain the huge jump in downloads on a few of my videos. (with out a jump in hits)

    This means that I am now one of the most underrated.

    ...So because I knew the links were not working a lot of the time, I trying to get links up that will work, that are also super fast. Now you can see my crapy videos like 20 times faster than before.

    *People do not start dancing in the street*

    ...yeah, I know it's a good waste of bandspace, but it's my waste. ^_^

    Anyway, exspect to see (like you were all checking every day) fast links to some of my videos soon, and a brand new video by me. (a few of you "speical" people have seen it, so it's nothing new to you)

    Anyway, that's all there is to say, I'll try to get a link up for that underrated video so you can tell me how much I suck.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: I like these spoons better, they are the same shape as the other ones, but have the extra bonus of being longer. 
  • money, and avoiding the work. 2002-11-12 01:42:40 I donated did you?

    *puts of a air of entitle ship, and superotiy, and then stubs his toe*

    Err, never mind. *really though, everyone should try to give a buck to help out*

    Mostly I'm hear trying to aviod doing real work, like the essay that due at 2:00 pm tomarow. Yeah, I know. >_<

    Anyway, my next video is looking pretty good. I have like only 4 seconds of it done, and then not really, cause I don't have the footage I want in there. I was just checking to see I could make this look good, as long as have a message. From my tests,it looks good, the message will have to come when I get all of the footage.

    Once again, I"m sure you all cared. >_<

    ...Peace Out (still trying to deside if I stole this from Tommy or not, I think I did it before I saw him do it, but I bet he did it first.)

    Randomness: In Derrida you find a notion of differance that recognizes that endless, ongoing nature of the construction of meaning but that recognizes also that there is always the play of identity and difference and always the play of difference across identity. [...blow me Hall] 
  • Up and down, and all around. 2002-11-03 22:18:16 My videos links were down for about two weeks (I think) a few days ago. They have been up for like 5 days. They will be up for a while, then they won't be up again. (while I edit)

    I'm going to try to make it so that they are almost always up in the dead of night, when I know you are all on line anway. (think 1:00am to 9:00 am, or when every I go to sleep to when I wake up)

    ...I sure you all cared.

    That's it.

    Peace out

  • 1000 downloads... 2002-10-30 02:38:24 1000 downloads from my eva video... What fun.

    *does the 1000 downloads dance of stupity*

    Well still working away on my next video. I'll get it done in a year or so. I made the scope much larger, mostly cause I found a diffrent verson of the song i want to use that was a longer remix. (that will work better with many diffrent types)

    I will get it done sometime before AX2003 at this point. >_< I'm still not sure it will be enjoyed by all, but I'll sure like it. ^_^

    Well that's it for now.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: You've read the book, now buy the vest! 
  • Getting ready... 2002-10-26 04:24:24 I'm still converting footage.

    I made a side project to get screen caps while I'm doing this. So fun! ^_^

    I'm going to split them into eps. so I can remember what eps is what.

    I have also just about build the video in my head. So cool. ^ _^

    ...but mostly I'm converting.

    I know you all were dieing to hear that.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: Don't fuck with the lama. 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 15:22:37