JOURNAL: Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)

  • Just Hanging out... 2002-05-20 02:03:44 I seem to be less busy, and less online lately. I really don't know what the hell I'm doing, mostly nothing. I'm sooo unproductive lately. Oh well, maybe it's cause I'm watching more anime... I don't know. I'm not doing much school work, not doing swimming (i'll fix that soon) not doing much online stuff, not doing much reading... I don't know what the hell I'm doing. ...It must be lots of anime... Thought it does not feel like it.

    Priuscomet said: hey, congrats there bahamut god. ^_^ hope all goes well with the graduation ceremony and such. you've earned ur high school awards.

    Thanks, I still kind of wish I got mvp, but he did not give mvp to the fastest guy. He gave it to the guy who movated the team the most. He really desverd something speical, even if by the end of the year he was pretty burnt out him self. (I have some cool storys about this guy, I think I tell them in here at some point)

    ...and with that, I'm off to watch anime.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: Brian Clevinger (if you know what he does, let me know ^_^) 
  • ok, my last entry was strange... 2002-05-18 04:31:38 Just trying to be werid. Sorry if it was too werid.

    Nothing to report today. Other than watching like 7 hours of anime. From 3:00 to 11:00, minus an hour for dinner. That's a lot of anime. I rewatched what I had already seen of Frutis Basket. I very good series I recomend to anyone. I might make a video for it if I can think of anything.

    Ok guess that's it.

    Peace Out.

    Randomness: Life is like a toliet. What you get out of it is pretty much what you put into it. 
  • NO CLUE WHAT I"M DOING. 2002-05-17 13:11:24 WHERE AM I? 
  • I'm going back to swimming. 2002-05-16 13:27:07 I've been not going to swimming for the last 3 days. A combo of Car problems and then my other teams swim award ceramony.

    I won a leader ship award, a schooler atleate award (hard to belive with my spelling huh?), and a exclance in swimming award. So one peice of paper, and 2 plages. That means in my high school carrier, I've been MVP, Coach's award, and exelence in swimming. The only thing I have not been is Most imporved. >_<

    Ok that's all I got's to report.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: It's peanut butter jelly time. 
  • handing down the info 2002-05-16 03:05:05 DokiDoki: but I recently read that now limbs can be blown off. ;)

    Actually, you can do it in the ps2 game with the "right" code. ^_^

    *shameless atempt to get some e-mail*

    Err, that's all. It's late, I need anime fix before bed. I'm not sure if I'm going to take it in manga or anime form yet. As long as it's japanese, I'll be happy.

    Peace Out

    Randomness: Swim Award 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 08:33:25