Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)
2002-04-25 10:14:10
I could blame the fact that my video is not in the data base on the bug but I just plan forgot. =P
Gosh, I'm really worried about the site having so many problems. I really really like this site, and would be VERY sad to see it die.
I'll try to get my video in the data base today, but it will have to be after school, and after the swim meet. I'm normaly very tired after a swim meet, but I'll try to remember anyway.
Ok, that's all for now.
Peace out
Random Word: Crepidula! (kreh PID yu luh)
Nothing much...
2002-04-17 11:39:47
I hate pc's. I was trying to download a video to show my teacher, but it was not working, and I could not figgure out why. I've downloaded videos here at school before, but it was not working to day. If it was a mac, I could figure out why. ...PC's can eat me.
I'm getting ideas all day for my new video. Doing these little fun videos really is... fun after working so hard to be serious on my last video.
I forget the mpeg disk for my teacher again. I put a lot of time into makeing it too. >_< I also put other's videos on there. Including closer to god, EvilVegetos Chop Suyo video (which I was trying to download today) Ordorku, Failed editings, and others.
Got to go.
Peace Out
Random word: PC's Suck.
Oh I forgot.
2002-04-17 00:32:33
How could I forget this at the end of my last Journal. Must be later than I think. >_<
Peace out
random word: Boots
Nothing new...
2002-04-17 00:31:25
I'm starting a new video. I'll most likely start hosting my eva video in a week or two. I'm just about ready to send it out to those who want it early though. Just contact me on aim. bahamut zero neo
Untill then, I'm keeping my video underwraps. My new video is also eva, just cause I' the footage on my hd right now. But the new vid. is just going to be a fun dance video. I might just do it quickly and never release it, or if it starts to look ok, I'll spend some time on it. The first 55 sec. where done pretty quickly. It could use some touching up for timeing, but it's looking pretty good. I'm scared of the 8 or 9 sec. lip sync. part I have planed though, so I'm done for the night.
I'm going to bed to finish the last 2 eps. of Hana Yori Dango. I love this series so much, I might be very very unhappy when I finish it. Guess I'll have to hope the moive is also good. >_<
I'm sure you all care. ^_^
2002-04-15 23:31:48
Why did I have to leave? It turns out that a test I took yesterday did not save to disk right, and I needed to hurry up and redo it by the end of the period. I did.
Nothing eles to report...
Peace Out
Random Word: Chocobo!
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 22:09:23