Bahamut God (Eric Weiner)
I want...
2003-05-17 18:48:28
a good Inu Yasha video.
I might have to make it my self, just not right now. ^_^
If you think you got one, let me know. I need to warn you that I have not seen a really good one yet. (and have watched a lot)
...I thought so.
2003-05-16 11:59:42
Lakers Lost...again
2003-05-15 21:51:29
Lakers lost...
2003-05-14 01:09:01
Just barely... God damn lakers and there "lets fuck up until the 4th" stragity. I want them to stop sucking the whole rest of the game. -_- I really hope they can pull out the next two. I'm pretty sure they will win the next game though.
...I am editing a live action (using footage I shot) music video for flim class right now. I don't know if I'll host it when I'm done, but I might. ^_^ (of course, on my own thing, not on the Dangling Carrot.)
Taking a brake from a hamlet esssay.
2003-05-13 02:32:51
...I normaly like hamlet, but I have had to change my opinion on this essay like 5 times since I started it. ...Fuck Hamlet. -_-
Ok, time to talk about some exspernces.
Frist of all, I got parnoid (well, mostly I was just hiding from the same essay this afternoon) and did a search thought the forums for my name. The only thing I found was praise for a half done amv that I only relased on about 30 cd that I gave away at last year's AX. I had space to fill, and I thought why not. The thing is that I have gotten back like 3 or 4 really glowing comments about a video that I thought was too werid for anyone to enjoy. I only relesed the damn thing to about 25 to 30 people... So I think it's safe to say that that video may see an end, and a slight remake in the next few months. I have to finish my current video first.
Videos are coming a lot slower than they used to. I don't know if that is because I am putting more time into them now, or if it is because I can't spend as long at a time, and keep focused, as I used to be able too. I know that from last years ax, to this year's ax, I only made 3 videos. Only two were something that you can submit to a contest. (The one I can't submit is (4 videos and a fuck up) which is cute, but not really something you would send to a contest. (it's up for loacl download by the way ^_^)
Bah, I'm really betting that my drama video will make it this year. My comdey had a slight chance, based on some of the comdey videos that made it last year... (not to put any videos down from last year, but I thought that the 2001 contest was stronger just in general.)
Speaking of the 2001 contest, that was really my defining moment, that sent me over the edge from big fan to creator. I remember sitting there, watching all the great videos on screen. I remember how loadly the 2,500+ (ok, not really sure on the number though) people were yelling, and how exsited and into the videos I was. Turns out Vald was sitting right behind me, and it was so cool to see one of the creators stand up and walk on stage. I felt like saying congratulations to him, or something, but it kind of made me feel silly. (plus it was still so noisey, he would not have heard me) I also remember seeing Tim Park on stage. The comdey videos that year was really really strong. Between "right now", "tanted dounuts", "ordorku" (I spelled that wrong, the big ass dance video), the lum video i can't remember the name of, and even Brad Demoss "I'm super" video it was truely a great contest. I'm hoping this year is just as great.
I must admit 2002 did disapoint me. The whole no contest thing sucked the worse of course. I did not even get a chance to see all the videos, because I was not able to wake up in time. Even worse was the fact that when I did show up, no one was there. Amvs, like anime in general, is just better in a crowd. I laugh harder, and get more intro the drama when there is a big crowd. I can tell you how much I laughed when I saw Excel Saga in a large crowd, even Love Hina, which I had seen like 5 times on my own. But when I watch those things alone, I barely bust a smile. (the only series that really made me laugh out-load when alone was lum, and fruits basket.)
Anyway finals are coming up for a lot of people. I still have a month left. -_- I guess it's just as well, I'm still liveing at home, so I don't really mind. That what is great about communty collage. I'm not sure where I'm going to tranfer to yet, but I need to find a good film school, and hope to get a schollership soon. Seeing as I live in Ca, and really don't want to leave the state, i'm pretty lucky. Most of the good film schools are in Ca.
...Ok, I'm just babling now, and staying away from my essay. Sorry to bug anyone that trys to read this. >_< (and sorry for the spelling)
...Now if only I could write my essay this fast.
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