JOURNAL: MikaelJuha (Banned Account)

  • need something new perhaps 2004-07-19 01:50:58 such a boring summer, i need gunfire all over the place, people screaming, yelling, dying, creatures swarming everywhere, freaky atmospheres, blood on the walls, explosions everywhere, all hell breaking loose or sumtin.

    basically, i need a new first person shooter to play, i've beaten them all, and so far the ones i haven't beaten are all not relased yet, like HALO2, half life 2, doom3, you name it.

    and where are all the good movies? i need alien vs. preditor as well...

    such a drag man....

  • self preservation can be so harsh in this hot mofo summer 2004-07-08 00:02:27 college can drain the life out of ya, it makes ya smark indeed, but damn, its so draining at times!

    so video game deprived...anime deprived...been looking for a cure all day, but aparently all the new anime and video game releases are later this fall....

    i guess its part of self preservation i guess, this long ass summer, maybe i might find a girlfriend, who knows, maybe someday lady luck will shine on me if make an effort or sumtin, because going to the movies when your 18 alone is kinda of a bum deal and all, friends working left and right, and i'm not all that bad as a guy, strong built, nice face, anime enjoyer, that sorta thing, but i feel so alone kinda.

    i guess that's how things are when this world gets so busy. 
  • average day 2004-07-05 08:35:28 Spider Man 2 was a cool movie, i still think that new Diet Coke commercial is gay.

    And pringles will always be the best chips ever.
  • 2004-07-04 10:08:31 today i looked everwhere across this city in california for this guy who keeps sending me penis enlargement ads to my email address. i just want the guy to freaking stop, because my girlfriend sees my email, and she's like, "you know, some french guy probably made those, and its probably not as reliable as you think, if you know the french and all" and i was like, "yeah you're right, the french wipe their ass side to side, so the pills and these ads....are just annoying in the end i guess" is said pulling out hair from my skull.

    so after using all these hack-programs and such, i managed to find the source of these penis-ads, and i been looking and looking for this french man, whom i imagine wheres thick glasses, a toupe, a tall hat, has wide moustaches, a goute long as your arm, and googly-eyes, and a tuxedo that's scruffy. I drew the guy out on the paper i brought with me. I spotted the dude, and he somehow recognized me too! and so the chase commensed, i followed him through the dark recesses of porn shops, hotels, strip clubs, one place after another, feet running, cabs chasing down the street. but the damn guy got away.

    at least i had traced his address down when he dropped his wallet, when i picked it up, i knew it was his, put when i looked back towards the guy, he vanished! and that's how i lost him!

    what a day it was, what a day. I eventually tracked his home to a shelter for drunk bums and crazy whores under a bridge.

    He was waiting, this penis-spamming fellow, with his palls too...A large mob of bums with broken beer bottles before me and my sister's stolen pepper my right hand...

    it was a fight i would never forget, they charged like an army storming the front of a battlefield in some gladiator beer bottle swinging berserk rage!

    i charged them! the penis spammer behind them, watching me charge them with his smug look and smirk. My sisters pepper spray wasn't pepper spray by the looks of it as i sent the first spray of it towards them! it was infact a minature flame thrower! my god, what kinda guys does my sister see!?!?! oh well, the bums all caught on fire, and the french man before me with fear in his eyes. i charged him, my face full of fury, the flame thrower blasting away like crazy.

    he fell backwards, making his pc on a nearby cardboard desk fall and smashing to bits. i felt sorry, so i let the french man leave, only to tell him to never bother me again, and to never send those reched penis ads on my email.

    he agreed, and by then the fire department had extinguished the flaming bums.

    the cops asked what happened, but by then me and the french man were good friends drinking and singing with our wine near the harbor like good old comrades that had always had a grudge, but found out, that after a few swigs, they could be like brothers afterwards.

    so i guess, the french aren't that bad once you kinda know them i guess. :) 
  • recalling my nickname 2004-06-29 10:33:36 growing up i been called Mikolav, because i was good at combat online games with my friends en stuff, it was fun....i remember those times when my friends were like, "God damn you Mikolav!" and "Mikolav you sunava bitch!" they were complements, and i only got them when everyone (my friends en stuff) were dead in games like Counter Strike, and I would literally have to slay through 4 to 7 people on my own with no extra lives, using all my gaming skills from my mind into the game...good times yes, good times. 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 02:07:08