MikaelJuha (Banned Account)
Stock portfolio rose dramatically today!
2004-06-24 19:46:40
As an under graduate, I'm tight on cash, that's why I have to do many odd jobs and use opportunities to their fullest.
My recent stocks, ABTG.OB and ONCY potential stocks basically with a lot of potential, sorta like Microsoft before it was big, went to dollar value recently, I sold all 40,000 some odd shares of the two stocks, made a walabee out of it all, and well...i can soon make a link!
no more stupid excuses of, "I'm broke," or ,"I can't afford it!"
so selave, soon my vids will be made, just gota make a link now!
that was a quote from Planet of the Apes
Since they got Halo vids kinda, I want to make a Doom 3 video!
2004-06-24 19:36:25
It came to me late last night, err way early this morning.
I had downloaded several dozen vids and codecs to Doom 3 coverage, and the game is awe-spiring, beautiful in graphics, beautiful in lighting, just specatular all the way.
And after browsing through some of the vids, which i noticed many were video game based, i thought, well since some people have made Halo vids, why not start a Doom 3 vid?
If i can't post it on the site, I will create a seperate link to it, but so far its under the drawing board.
Oh yeah, if you like this idea, go and make a Doom 3 vid too, I would like to see other creations too from other people.
ok, like i said! part of my book! its small and short, but cool nonetheless!
2004-06-24 07:54:50
Doom of an ancient kingdom...
Walking through the destroyed kingdom, the warrior was at lost.
The dead laid everywhere on the battlefield. The smell of slaughtered flesh filled the air. Blood was splattered amongst the dead. Castle walls had collapsed and ruined. Pillars of stone granite, and marble were scattered amongst the earth. Houses burned and age-old monuments had tumbled. Screams could be heard in the darkness. The sound of sword fight echoed in the background. The last of both armies had fought.
its a very graphic novel based in a medievilish world with many races from trolls, elves, dwarves, and all those other sorts of creatures....
i only posted this to get some odd self-backbone to this profile, but if you like it, give a reply or sumtin if you can or whatever.
This is off the subject to the work but oh hell why not hear me out! or not...
2004-06-24 07:44:48
I know i have JACK for vids posted, but I am working on a book! now I know it is way off the subject, but man If I post some of the chapters, maybe the first two within this journal and some of you read it, then maybe I might have some back bone on this would-be profile!
Yeah it makes no sense really to post a small segment of piece of work that isn't finished, but HELL!!! why not, you are the people also known as the great MOB or also known as the democracy, so shit why not post such a thing!?!?!
Well besides that, I'm guna get a Geosites link soon for my only vid, a vid that I've spent to many meaningless hours on.
So for those of you who actually read this, progress is inevitable!!! other than that! the first bit of my book will be in my next journal, rather a small bit compared to the 300 some odd pages i got going so far.
ignore that one line i just posted....
when it arrives, then i might be noticed, as of now, i'm inscrutable
2004-06-23 03:32:16
I got vids made, but after i get some basics on links and site making from college courses, i will then have a link made. as week as it seems, i'm rather low on cash after paying for college fees and sorts, so when i do get that second job of sorts, i will use that money for a sight, a cheap one at that, to establish a link for all those who want to see my stuff yet can't. I know about geosites, but damn my pocket book is like dead as the sahara desert man, when the link is up, then things will get better.
thanks for the stupid patience,
Mikolav aka Mika aka Mike1 (since my other friend is mike2 and his name is also mike) aka Mikael
DON'T SHAKE THE BABY!!! because i said so!
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