Digital_Dojo (John Crabtree)
2002-09-25 10:02:03
Yes Omni, cutting on the 4th beat isn't "off rhythm", but it is also not the standard. My first time watching it, for the first minute or so I couldn't find the rhythm. Most videos would cut on the 1st beat, but you chose to cut one beat earlier(or 3 beats later) than the standard video. It made for a very nice effect....
I on the other hand plan to have a couple of quick completely off beat cuts that work despite the fact that they are off beat. I'm anxious to see how it will turn out....
45 minutes to japanese class...^_^
I'm going to go hang around the forum....
Wasting 30 minutes before class.....
2002-09-24 12:02:57
Man, Omni, why are you so hard to write reviews for. After all the trouble I had getting "Kagome's Heart" done, and all the trouble I had dl'ing "Dancing Stars", this is just getting a ridiculous. I finally get in a reviewing mood, and have a little free time, so I sit down to review your Chobits vid, and what happens... the site is down. Then it stays down throughout the weekend, only to come back up now that I'm back busy with school work again. I have the hardest time reiviewing anything of yours.....
What else...
I finally own "Tokyo Raiders". I've wanted it for so long now, and after browsing through manga and anime section at Suncoast Sunday, I couldn't find anything that appealed to me so I went ahead and got "Tokyo Raiders". The box art is cool, if fits in so perfect between "Time and Tide" and "Bullets of Love". It came down to this, or "Legend of the New Shaolin" Sunday, and despite how cool Jet Li may be, that film didn't come close to being as cool as "Tokyo Raiders"....
I'm kind of at an anime standstill. I don't really know what to get next. I think I'm just going to hold off until I can the first and second seasons of Ranma. I want those so bad. Ranma was one of my first "real" anime addictions, and all I have are the first 2 movies on DVD, and 3 episodes on VHS. I need the first season. It would only make since for someone calling himself Digital_Dojo to have the first season of Ranma.....
No more work on Shinkakuruu so far. I've slacked off alot since I'm not trying to rush it into Nekocon. I've already prepared Onyou on disk, I just have to send it in sometime this week. I do know how I want to edit my next video though. Over the weekend, I dl'ed the music video for "Samurai Drive" by hitomi. I loved the style of this vid, and the editting was awesome. I loved all the erratic(sp?) cutting real quick between 2 or 3 different scenes. I just loved the style in general. It makes for a very upbeat, dancing mood I think. I going to edit F(t)tR: NT similar to this. Lots of quick cuts between 2 different(but very similar) clips, not always "on" rhythm, but complimentary the rhythm. This vid was awesome in that alot of the cuts were not on rhythm, and not even complimentary to the rhythm, but still seemed to fit perfect. That's the same effect I want. I want a lot of the cuts on there on rhythm that compliments "the beat" as Silver_moon called it once, but I also want a set of fillers(for the drum fills/bridges etc...) that are erratic(sp?), and off rhythm but still good. This will probably be hard to do, and most people probably won't get it, but I'm sure those who do will enjoy. I know you will get it Omni. You cut an entire vid on the 4th beats, which alot of people would probably consider off rhythm, but I liked the way it worked out...
This has gotten way too long, and it's time for japanese class, so I will end it here...
45 minutes before class...
2002-09-19 11:55:40
I have wonderus creativity??? Try telling that to Shinkakuruu. I've hit more roadblocks in this video that ever before. I did manage to just get the next 10 secs done. Now I have no battery power left. Why is it that whenever I bring my adapter, I don't find time to edit, but on the days I don't grab it, I end up like I am now, with 45 minutes before japanese class, and 19% battery power remaining. Premiere will eat through that 19% in about 3 minutes. So I can still browse the web for about 20 minutes I'm thinking. IE doesn't take quite so much power like premiere..
I suppose I could always spend this time studying my japanese vocabulary for the test I'm going to have today, or better yet looking at the notes from Art yesterday since I ended up skipping it again. I can already see me miserably failing that test Monday. It's only 15% if my grade. If I can break this skipping/sleeping habit I can still pass the class, hopefully...
I think I'm going over to the forum now...
This is my journal. There are many like it, but this one is mine...
2002-09-18 23:01:08
** WARNING: DISCUSSION OF HENTAI IS AHEAD. ALL UNDERAGE VIEWERS PLEASE ** PRESS THE BACK BUTTON OF YOUR BROWSER.........^_^' ******************* **************************************************************************
Overfiend is my favorite hentai to date. I haven't seen any of the ones you mentioned Omni. There is one that has struck my attention that I can't seem to find anywhere. MJ told me about it, said it was called "Karen" I believe. When I search WinMX for Karen, it finds ALOT of files, but these are files I don't want to see. Well, I can't say that. Let me just say that I don't think they are the particular file I'm looking for...^_^'. This one file always comes up - Karen.mpeg 64Mb. It never dl's though, no matter how much I try. It's probably the wrong file anyway. Dragon Pink looked like it was going to be interesting, but I've only seen the first 2 eps...
Yep, nothing beats discussing hentai in a public journal. I don't care if everyone thinks I'm a sicko...^_^'
*******************END OF PARAGRAPH ON HENTAI*****************************
Now, for the real entry...
Not surprisingly enough, something did come up Omni, but no worries. The way I see it, pushing myself to finish Shikakuruu by the weekend is futile. I'm not going to make the deadline with it so why bother? Instead I'm going to prepare Onyou no Yume for entry. That being said, I can get some of these reviews done during this week. Starting with Dancing Stars...congrats on your victory in SpPANDA's contest...
I also plan on reviewing these:
Service with a smile - MJ
In my arms again - Silver_moon
Situation - Sierra
Overboard - Devo
Your chobit's vid Omni...title slipped my mind. "Love is all that they want" maybe(Forgive my laziness, but I just don't feel like opening another browser right now. That's a lie you know. I have one open all ready on the other monitor just sitting on my yahoo mail account. I just don't feel like clicking over to your profile. You know the vid I'm talking about though, I'm sure....)^_^
Anyways, those 5 plus Dancing Stars. That's my new goal now. To have them all reviewed before bed Sunday night....
On a completely off topic subject. Hoshi was HOT tonight on the enterprise premiere when her shirt got ripped off. Why are all Star Trek fans perverts...^_^
That being said, I bid thee farewell for now.
2002-09-18 19:23:20
<quote MJ>
Legend of the Overfiend (Uroskitodoji???) = Some very freaky shit!!!! Interesting story, lots of monsters and tentacle rape!!! The chicks aren't very hot but the animation style looks pretty old. Meh, for 5 bucks it could have been worse.
</quote MJ>
Granted the style as a little lacking, but I thought Overfiend was awesome. I can see where the scene where all of his giant "manhoods"
were "destroying" the city could be seen as freaky though. Still considering what it was, I thought it had an awesome storyline behind it. I want to see the sequels. Not sure how many there are, but I think at least 3 of them all together. I want to see Lady Blue too. I've seen all of La Blue Girl, and that was pretty good, so Lady Blue can't be to bad I don't think...
Don't get your hopes up just yet, but I'm going to try to review "Dancing Stars" tonight, Omni. I need a break from F(t)tR: Evolution for awhile. So I'm going to grap a pizza, watch the premiere of Enterprise, and unless something else pops up I plan on reviewing it after Enterprise...
I think that just about covers it..
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