JOURNAL: madaz75 (Brad Morgan)

  • Be Afraid.. Be Very Afraid!! 2002-05-31 10:43:29 Don't say I didn't warn you all!!

    If your Lurking abouts the San Deigo Comic-Con.. Keep your self unobtusive!!

    For I shall be in attendance!! And I'm on the look-out!
    What am i looking for?
    Glad you asked..
    I'm looking for Insperation.. Material, some one, or some thing.. to come up with a Creative and Funnny story about to turn in to Humerous Rants/journal enteries!

    So if you stand out from the crowd, or are that bit more unusual than the rest.. You may be a traget for some of my fanstatic imagination!

    Don't say I didn't warn you! 
  • Lost 2002-05-21 16:35:58 Creativity has escaped me..

    I had penned this terriffic Journal entry..
    placed it down..
    and now for the life of me I can't remember where I put it..

    The Creativity to think of Places where it could be is whats lacking..

    so no doubt there is no funny Journal entry from me today..


    I'll make it up to you all by entering a Doubly funny/creative one..
    Once I find what I did with todays!

    Keep the Faith..
    Anime Is GOD! 
  • Paradox! 2002-05-18 17:36:58 A Leson in the Paradoxical..

    This journal entery is recomended for MATURE Audiances..
    Persons under the age of 15 may find some of the concepts over bearing..
    This entery contains: Course Language
    Drug Referances


    I used to live in a share house!
    Funny thing they are!
    I mean it's called a share house because you "Share the House" right?.. or so I thought

    The people I shared house with wouldn't share a god damned thing!!
    they were the kind of people who would leave 1 square of paper on the toilet roll.. not change the roll, not get another out of the cupboard.. just leave 1 square on the roll.
    It would be OK if I was only 2" tall.. i could be like
    "Whoo hoo 1 square of toilet paper.. that's all I need I'm the 2" man!"
    but no! I'm near on 6' tall.. I need a bit more than 1 square!

    So any ways I was in the toilet with my 1 square of paper.. and I put my fot through this hole in the floor.. damned near broke my ankle..
    I call up the Land Lord.. Funny term again.. "Land Lord".. Or "Lord of the Land".. in this house it was more like. "Master of the Shit Pit".. I mean this house was bad.. People would come around to collect money for homeless people.. and they'd slip $20 under our door! It was that bad

    As I said.. I called up the 'master of the shit pit', show him the hole in the floor.. and he's like.
    "That's a pretty big hole.. I'm going to need a quote"
    and I'm like
    "Well quote me.. The Floor Is Fucked!"

    Another interesting thing about sharing a house is what you do with the left over money at the end of the week of paying bills and rent and stuff..

    do you:
    1: Buy a kitchen full of food
    2: Buy 1 ounce of Dope

    Hmm tough choice...
    Food?.. dope?.. dope?.. food?

    Now I don't know about you.. but if you've ever smoked an ounce of dope.. you need a kitchen full of food to deal witht the munchiees afterwards!!

    and you always eat some of the strangest things when stoned..
    "I'm off to the kitchen for... A Banana and Mayonaise.."
    "My shout for a Corn Flake and Coffee sand witch"
    "OI! What do you do with the Beetroot?"
    "Wha.. Stick it in the toaster?.. Hey it fits!!"

    and anotehr.. I reckon they ought to 'Legalise' dope... if for one it would make 'Better homes and Gardens' a bloody sight more interesting..
    Heh.. I can just imagine them crawling about some ones ceiling:
    "Oh and you did all this without sun light!!!"

    LOL.. cath ya again later

    Applause, boos/hisses, compliments, and threats can all be addressed to.. 
  • Puzzled! 2002-05-13 12:54:16 I'm sure people keep journals just for their own amusement!!

    Take me for instance..

    I write in my journal sporatically.. and I speak total Bull Shit when I do.. Why??

    Is it because I have this deep down mis-conception that you people actually read this crap.. or even care?

    Or is it because I have a feeble belief that I'm actually funny.. and that you people tune in with baited breath to read the latest volumes of crud I spew forth for 7 days out of every 21?

    Who knows..
    And personally I don't care..

    Hang on I do care god dammit!!

    If it weren't for at least some one reading my journal on a semi-regular basis, I wouldn't even bother writing down the ramblings and random thoughts/stories and so on. When I am able to tickle the key board just right to make some what comprehensable!

    Perhaps one day some one will rush up to me in the street and thrown them selves at my feet saying
    "Madaz.. Your my Hero.. Your comic Genious is only surpassed by your Shit House Spelling"

    Yeah right who am I kidding.. I can't even convine people to throw rotten tomato's at me when I wsa doing the 'Amature Comedy' circuit.


    Turn off the Agnst..
    And so ends another installment of!!!!

    Madaz and his Agnst Theatre! 
  • Ho Hum! 2002-05-11 09:20:18 You know.. some day's it can hit you right out of the blue..

    It just sneaks up and Bite's you right on the ASS!!!

    Realisation I mean..
    Like.. Years later you realise that the girl who used to talk soccer with you actually had a 'Crush' on you!

    or.. you finaly cut through all the bull shit you've been shoveling and realise just how boring you realy have become!

    Like me for instance.. I'm truly boring.. even bore the shit out of my self..

    I guess I need to find me a distraction.. like a new hobby.. (No wait that won't work I already have too many of those)
    Or may be a Girl friend?
    Hmm.. yeah that sounds good..

    Let's see now.. *Opens up 'little black book' Moths escape Shouting "I'm Free, I'm Free")
    Err!!.. I guess I'm not going to find me a G/F looking in here then..

    Strike 1!
    *looks around at Friends and their G/F's to see any Potential "Friends of Friends" who could be a little more personal..
    Forecast:.. Drought!.. More Baren than the remote wastelands of MARS!

    Strike 2!!
    *contemplates a 'Dateing Agency'..
    Certianly not!.. I'm not going to lower my self to the utter Loser/geek level just because I'm single!!

    Strike 3!!..

    I'm outta there!!!


    Guess I'm gonna be single for a while longer yet! 
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