madaz75 (Brad Morgan)
Physics and the female form
2002-03-26 19:45:14
One thing will never cease to amaze me..
the Female Gender of our species..
I'm not going to go on some sexist Anti-Feminine rant.. hell no
But I am going to tell of my DIS-BELIF of a womans ability of Contradict all laws of PHYSICS!!!
Picture the scene..
I'm out at a Club with some friends.. and After a few drinks I'm up on the floor the envy of every guy in the place.. Because I have two drop dead Beautiful women that can't keep their hands off me. (Some thing I should add that don't happen to me every day)
One's dressed in a School Uniform [Renee](loses points on origionality... gains about a million for EYE CANDY).. The other looks like a Referee [Leah] (Thick Black and White vertical stripes, and a Short-Short Black Pleated skirt)
I'm dancing away.. getting my hands guided to all sorts of areas that would normally score me a slap in the face.. feeling an overpowering sence of "Kick-Ass" coz I have the Two hottest babes in the joint.. and every one else has a 'Plain-Jane' or nothing at all.
So I'm getting to know these girls quite well.. Renee drinks scotch.. Leah burbon.. If the taste of their Tounges is any indication (know what I mean?)
After an hour of solid dancing.. plus evil/jelous stares from guys every where, we decide to go to a Quiet corner and do a few shots.. Tequila all round.. We trade Phone Numbers, Hug, Cuddle, and Fondle, some more in the corner.
We check the time.. Closing.. Damn.. Ok girls let's go, off to the cab rank, Leah Grabs my arm and takes off, I reach back and Grip Renee.. these are two I'm not losing in a hurry or so I thought.. We round the semi-dark foyer of the club , crowded.. and I loose grip of both Leah and Renee.. I look around and to my astonishment they have both DISAPPEARED!!!!
Now what could be more noticable than a White and Blue Catholic School Girls Uniform, and a Referee's Outfit in a Sea of Blacks and Greys?? Not much Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury.. But there they were GONE.. For all intent and purpose they had vanished in to thin air..
I manage to catch up with my buddies again at the taxi rank.. to their supprise I'm alone.. It's like "Dude! What happend, You had Two Choice hunnies and now your solo?"
I acn only reply barly believing it my self "They vanished"
Next day
I give the Numbers a call.. Both are Cell Phone Numbers.. typical.. and neither are Connected.. again typical..
So I conclude that these Girls were capeable of the Pan-Dimentional Portal so often seen in anime.. But with hammers of rediculous proportions. There-by breaking every Known and Proven Law of Physics..
Any one with Simmilar "experiances" feel free to E-Mail me of your plight.. I'm going to start a Self-Help/Support Group, the "Dimentional Anomaly Experiance Anonymous" Peer-Group.
One day MAN-kind will know the answer.. and yet another one of WOMAN-Kinds mysteries will be solved!!!!!!
2002-03-24 03:39:56
Quick some one do the Math!!!!!!
12 weeks of the year past..
..and for 9 of it I've been away from home at work!!!!!!
Amazing I still know where to come home too Innit?
some day a fantastic job offer is going to land it's self on my lap and It will mean no more travel to distant and remote places on the planet.. and I get paied a fat wad of cash every week to do some thing I enjoy..
2002-03-04 02:10:38
My my my!!!
How time does move by quickly!!!!
Amazing.. A last minuite brain storm to have a party turns into a 3 day drinking binge with subsequent hangovers and head aches..
Well i'm still alive.. still not 100% but I'm alive none the less..
OOGH!.. My head still hurts.. best not turn on Winamp..
going back to bed.
Server troubles???
2002-02-27 21:24:47
Is it me or is it just coincidence??
Every time I find a new place to hang out on-line.. they mysteriously begin to develop "Server troubles"...
Look's as if the ANIME MUSIC VIDEO Site is the latest to suffer from this Curious affliction..
Perhaps we can call it the "Curse of Madaz".. ha ha ha heh heh.. Not funny!!!!
Needless to say.. no entery from me yesterday due to the server being down..
till next time.
Some where some one needs a new MATH lesson!!!!
2002-02-25 15:59:33
Is funny Innit?/
The job contract stated a Three (3) week contract..
So why in the name of all creation was I stil there after FIVE (5) weeks..
I could just kill the H/R Department of work!!!!
I was Conned.. no GYPED.. No Ripped off..
Either way I'm P*SSED OFF
oh well at least I dodn't have to spend any money while I was away.. HA!
What a rort!.. My house got flooded.. Heavy rain.. Ruined carpets.. and a Smelly mouldy house.
The back yard looks susspiciously like a Vietnam War Movie.. you know the one.. a U.S Pilot shot down trying to escape to cambodia and evade V.C Capture... Well I keep hearing these voices in my back yard.. and the Pool Cleaner's van is parked out side.. Perhaps I should arrange a De-Forestation party and lay the place to waste till I find him..
OR.. even better I could call the TV networks and arrange a series of Survivor in my back yard.. Heh heh heh..
Beh!.. I'm home at least.. I need a Holiday!
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:55:12