madaz75 (Brad Morgan)
2002-01-19 05:23:33
I hate work..
Only another 13 hours 45 minuits left in Civilisation before I have to get on a Giant Flying Coffin and go to work..
I'm sure that being an Underground Mine Exploration Drill Rig Operator is the second most dangerous job on the planet...
The most dangerous? Glad you asked.. That's an easy one..
A serialized Manga Artist!!..
Why?.. Imagine what mess you'd be in if you missed your Deadline for printing??.. There would be rioting in the streets.. Your Fan Base would call up the Police Missing Persons 24/7 untill you were found!..
And what if you killed off a popular character?!?!?! You'd be Lynched!!!
*Gets on knees and thanks the God's Above that I was born with out talent!*
Well Journal Enteries will be rather sporatic untill this 'Tour of Duty' (Or Expedition to Hell) is over in about 3 weeks or so..
Oh and did I mention that "I hate work"
See you all again if I survive!
2002-01-17 21:51:57
There is a major problem with insominia!!!!
sleeping for 4 hours and being awake for 22 .. you tend to lose a day every now and then..
Needless to say.. yesterday was one of those days... Wwell fortunatly I did manage to review and pass comment on some of the Music videos I DL'ed..
Pity the other ones I've DL'ed from here are eithr unfindable now or they can't be DL'ed any more.. SHIMATTA!
I mean how am I supposed to Review some thing I have DL'ed before from here.. but can't get to now to do the job right???
First Journal Entery!!!
2002-01-16 09:52:27
12:46 am Thursday 17th Jan, 2002.. (Australian Eastern Standard time)
Well I've just signed up as a Member here at the Anime music Video site.. or should that be Shrine..
Now that I'm a Member. I must remined my self to go back and leave comments on all the Music/Anime videos I've down loaded and watched..
Hmm.. have to add that to my 'To do' list for tomorrow.
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 18:56:17