JOURNAL: Flint the Dwarf

  • 2005-07-11 12:14:06 Well, I'm going to get a haircut today. Don't expect pictures. I've got an interview at a bank tomorrow, and I'm sure they don't like long hair. Anyway, yep.

    AMV front still pending; waiting for computer. That's about it. 
  • 2005-07-05 02:47:51 @Ari

    That's why most people call it the 4th of July, and not Independence Day anymore. It's just an excuse to set off explosives on one of two days a year where it's permitted (to some extent). Maybe you should have gone outside some distance away and watched them. They're kind of pretty; at least the shows around here are. Then again, I'm in a relatively big city and lots of money is put into these shows.

    And, yeah, there are families that have lost lives because of this stupid war. And I'm sure there are a few people that are disgusted at this celebration when their loved ones are dead, but I'm sure some people feel it's a genuine tribute to those deaths and the "freedom" that they supposedly fought/fight for. It'll be over with tomorrow (mostly), and you won't have to worry about these mortar attacks on your home. :P 
  • 2005-06-29 21:51:50 Hahaha, Sammy, come on. You should know that by now everyone uses you for laughs. I may opinion your videos honestly, and you may read them honestly, but otherwise you *know* this is all a joke, so stop pretending that it isn't. 
  • 2005-06-19 22:21:16 "And just for JUMP getting a low rating, I announce that I'm cancelling my $2,000 donation I was gonna make some time this week for this site. Instead it will be a low $5."

    Bahahaha! Sammy, you're good for a laugh. You can't take back something you never gave. And to take it back because people rated one of your videos lower than you'd like... gold. Pure gold, my man. 
  • 2005-06-14 03:25:50

    It's part of a newspaper from last year, and it's rife with irony.

    How can you complain about the damage *construction* might be doing to your unborn child... as you smoke a cigarette? WTF MATE WTF 
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