Flint the Dwarf
2005-03-14 21:49:54
I won't be going to ACen after all. Which is fine, because I've fallen away from basically every editor in the world, and I wouldn't enjoy ACen without company.
Also will be posting less here. I basically stick to Site Help and Suggestions now, but I'm not needed there.
Also might be getting a job. Not getting my hopes up.
yay update
2005-03-08 02:48:41
VicBond wins most helpful member?
I haven't heard anything from/about the guy since Otakon two years ago.
There are other things that could be wrong with the results, but I can't say anything because I've watched so few videos this year. But, in my opinion, there were *two* viable candidates for Most Helpful, and Vic wasn't one of them. I had pegged Scintilla or Arigatomina for Most Helpful, but whatever.
And I'm also disappointed that Eva Bebop won against The Wasteland. I have actually seen both those videos, but I loved The Wasteland. Eva Bebop, though cool, was just meh.
2005-03-07 02:00:03
About the entry below this: I was venting. :P To give no illusions, my days are not horrible.
2005-03-07 01:54:12
My brother's really bringing me down, and it's fucking annoying. He's always bitching and moaning about his position, but it's not much worse than mine. At least I'm quiet about it and am doing something. I exercise, and I've sent in applications. He sits around and talks about how he wants to go out jogging with me in the morning and go apply to certain places.
He's so god damn melodramatic. "No one cares about me, no one listens to me because I'm always drunk, am I right?"
What do I say to that. Of *course* he's not always drunk. When he's not, he mopes around and sighs, and bitches to me. When he is drunk, he's very loud and bitches at me. When I'm depressed about my situation, I listen to music or exercise or play video games or read (speaking of which, Syrup by Max Barry and America by Jon Stewart are great books). And my melancholia passes in no time.
He says he's depressed because no one gives a shit. I asked him if he thinks his friends care. He said some do, the others use him as a resource for drugs. I thought about this. He has no fucking money. So I tell him he has to stop being a resource since it's not making him money but it's depressing him. He needs to filter his friends. I have maybe three good personal friends, and that's enough (albeit I also have the internet, which is a distraction at the least).
I feel like a hypocrite saying this, but he needs to get off his ass and do something (yes, I'm doing things now, but it took me a while). And I did tell him that. And he, being drunk, agreed.
Off topic, gladly, if anyone that has gotten this far is interested in an in-depth analysis on egocentricity, PM me. :P I'm such a dork. But it's for my story, so it has its purpose.
2005-02-23 04:40:19
Going to try sleep medicine for the next few nights (my mom always has a nice stock, heh). I figure I'm going to try going to bed a little earlier, but I don't want to get addicted to sleep meds again. So I'm giving myself four nights to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Once I get into the habit, I'm hoping I can maintain. But there are always things keeping me up late online. :?
And here's a link to my old/new beta for those who didn't see it months ago. I'm thinking I can revive it in a month or so...
NP: Kamelot - "The Haunting"
This song owns.
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 13:40:59