JOURNAL: Flint the Dwarf

  • 2005-02-16 22:36:29 India, I'm pretty sure you've never read my journal, but I wish you luck anyway. ;p Marriage is a big step and it's the last thing you want to go wrong. 
  • 2005-02-16 05:56:44 Okay, I've been drinking... get this.

    My mom drops a burning cigarette on her foot and continues talking to me. A few seconds later I tell her she dropped her cigarette. On her foot. Where it's burning. Because that's what things on fire do? Anyway, she gives me this dazed look and says, "Well god darnit, you're right" and stomps it out.

    Now, why, after 8 shots of vodka, amd I more coherent and aware than my mother? Because she has a debilitating illness. Put this in perspective, people. Just fucking try to understand what the last 15 of my 20 years of life have been like. 
  • 2005-02-14 20:35:00 Hey Roy, nice to see you won't have to move too far away.

    "i'm really a moron for considering a place when all i have is a part time 8.5 dollar an hour job and hadn't landed a 2nd job yet"

    Then I'm the king of morons for considering and following up on a place when I didn't even have a job. ;p Life is full of these decisions, and sometimes you have to take chances and hope for the best. Something better came up for you, but that doesn't make you a moron for considering the risk. 
  • 2005-02-14 17:54:38 Happy birthday, Ari. <3 
  • 2005-02-12 01:07:31 Mom: You have scissors near you?
    Me: Nope.
    Mom: Well then what good are you? lol
    Me: None, I guess. har har
    Mom: Well you're priceless to me.
    Me: Apparently I'm about $100/month to you.
    Mom: What?
    Me: Nothing. 
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