JOURNAL: Flint the Dwarf

  • 2005-02-11 21:05:48 My mom's surprising my brother for his birthday by bringing his girlfriend in from Pennsylvania where she lives.

    I won't go into why this bothers me. 
  • Wow... 2005-02-08 03:20:05 I've only heard the first song off Kamelot's new album and it's blowing me away...


    No album has done this in years.

    /me buys 
  • 2005-02-08 00:08:30 Sometimes there are things I would rather say to complete strangers than to people that might care about me... 
  • 2005-02-05 02:29:15 Self esteem has hit a new low. I thought I was going to stop posting here as much. Plan failed.

    Went to Chicago to see my dad today, didn't get back until late. He was staying at the Hilton. Nice place, too fancy. Waste of energy.

    Mom talked to me about her possibly dying. Fun stuff.

    I'm in an emotional rut, so that means sleep. Sleep and books and exercise when I get the energy. Speaking of books, thanks to Misty for getting me that Legends book. It's caused me to read all the short stories in the first Legends (meaning the stories I thought I shouldn't read because I wasn't familiar with the series), as well as buy the other volume of the second Legends.

    Might be getting a low-end editing computer in a few weeks thanks to my buddy el_farlo, and I'll see what that brings about. 
  • 2005-02-04 15:59:16 I am so sick of people's obsession over MADs. Every time another MADer comes along, half the Org splooges and fawns at their feet. Cram as many effects and 3D renders into the fastest jpop song you can find = instant celebrity. It's like the new dancing Vash.

    MAD wins the internet. 
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