Flint the Dwarf
2005-07-30 16:11:59
Shadow, it had nothing to do with Godix. It has more to do with your inability to see that Sammy is a washed-up troll with no material to save his life. And I think it's funny that as soon as I mention something akin to ass-kissing, Sammy gets the totally great and original idea of calling me an ass-kisser. Good work, Sammy, your insults are almost as original as your AMVs.
2005-07-30 01:19:34
Hey Shadow, why don't you detach yourself from Sammy's dick? Godix's journal entries are the only good things to come from Sammy's beating of a long-dead horse.
2005-07-29 01:54:23
Sammy, Arigatomina is female. If you'd watched her video, I think even you would have realized that.
2005-07-27 22:34:24
Bizarre. I've got a computer I can edit with now, so I picked up an anime movie a couple nights ago to see if it was AMV-worthy. I watched it and quickly decided it was not. There wasn't enough consistency in the footage to create a coherent story, and I'm not usually one for following the story of an anime unless I have a perfect song. I did not have a perfect song. But I got an album last night that I'd been waiting for for months... and the last song is... almost perfect. So wtf mate. I also have some caffeine conveniently nearby. But I don't want to rush into it tonight. I need to let the idea seep in, and get used to the song.
This will just be for re-learning the ropes, so it won't be anything spectacular. But, if I still feel up to it tomorrow, I may start editing.
2005-07-22 20:52:22
Hey Pie, props for the Masterplan reference, if that is indeed what it was. And may your good fortune hold, friend. :P
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