JOURNAL: Flint the Dwarf

  • 2005-07-20 12:05:58 Bye, Sammy. Cya tomorrow. 
  • 2005-07-19 02:43:29 I think I might have another AMV idea brewing... something creepy, and cynical. 
  • 2005-07-17 02:19:27 @ Sammy

    "Nicely said, but you posted that 10 mintues too late, cause my journal just clocked 220 hits in the past 2 hours. So I'm still as popular as ever."

    Yeah, well when you post a new entry every hour, you're bound to get a few hits. And, anyway, I think you're mistaking popularity for pity. I'll use the train wreck metaphor because it's potent. Just because it's frightening and very sad doesn't mean people won't look. You're a freak show, Sammy, and people don't even need to pay an admission fee.

    Now, I'm sure all those rusty gears are churning in your head, and you're getting the idea of opening up a journal that people have to subscribe to. Go ahead and do it, and see how many "fans" you have. 
  • 2005-07-17 01:53:32 Sammy, you wonder why your journal doesn't get as many hits anymore? You're a hack. You beat the ego trip horse to death. Nobody can take you seriously enough to get a laugh at your journal anymore. Once you started playing to the audience, your journal became a compost heap that festered in the rotting heat of a little attention.

    I suggest you quit before you get too far behind. 
  • 2005-07-12 12:53:45 It's gone.

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