JOURNAL: Bauzi (Bernd Schäffer)

  • 2013-01-16 07:44:55 eh... I kinda want a cut assitent who would prepare me all the 8 DVDs for me... 
  • You know you have the best boss in the world... 2013-01-13 20:28:44 ... if she lends you her DVDs for your AMV projects.

    True story. 
  • Update about possible next release 2013-01-12 20:15:31 31. January is the deadline of an Austrian AMV Contest that I want to attend. That means that there might be a new AMV release by 1. March (premiere is at the convention).

    If somebody wants to join me at the convention: "Japan City" in Vienna from 23. - 24.02.2013. Will be a smaller and nice con.

    The release will rely on story telling and a song with German lyrics. Sorry international AMV world. You are again not target audience for this one. Maybe next time D:

    Project status:
    Setting up project and resource scouting. I have to scan threw about 80 episode of 25min anime. I will probably not watch every episode. The actual storyline of a 24 episode anime is highly optional. I only need some scenes from it.

    Do you remember the time when AMVs were very simple edited and internet was crappy? We just took the scenes that we needed from other AMVs and recut them. I would really like to do that, but I am a quality bitch xD I might get the DVDs tomorrow :) 
  • Rip me off? NOPE 2012-10-22 17:53:08 So you need help in an After Effects job? You make some animation for some NGO? So you might pay 50 bucks or something like that?

    *facebook check*

    Oh! So you work at a marketing agency? You might think you can make the big money with no skills by exploiting some actual after effects pro?

    Aha... I hope you are not trying to pull this off on me young girl... don't even think about it... 
  • This goes back to the basics 2012-10-17 19:29:24 This project makes me fully excited again. I can pick up again the idea from a few weeks ago.

    It's all about manipulating scenes by the right music choice and rearanging scenes. The montage! Sergei Eisenstein would be so proud of me. Just swaping two scenes, that actually follow each other in the original, give a whole new meaning to the complete sequence of pictures.

    and the right music and tone at the right time... and BAM!


    Straight editing. Some fade outs. Straight cuts. Some colour adjustments.

    The fx just follow at the second part and they get quite heavy and obvious. Why? I try to take advantage of some... in AMVs rare or unique artstyle to create new scenes. I need those scenes to make the storyline complete.


    I think you always need to accept that your idea will probably not look like the final result. It never does. You need to be aware that you have to be in some sort of dialog with your idea. Making compromisses on both sides, so you can be more carefull about your ressources, footage and actually your skills that you have and can aquire.


    A personal project could be a bad personal experience if you just follow your status quo, don't develop or evolve with it. If you do all the time the same stuff, how can you expect to get better and grow as a person?

    Yes... most of my AMV projects are probably done in my own safe zone of skillsets that I already have. At least I always learn something with them :) 
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