stormychef (Storm aka stormybaka... ~_^)
>_< ' Damn!
2002-10-20 03:31:31
Oh well I registered to have my website hosted and have everything ready and waiting to upload. I even have cuteftp as well...
But they haven't sent my damn log in details, password or the ftp details...I guess I shouldn't whine just yet they said it could take a couple of days...
2002-10-19 06:27:48
Even though while the site was down I had more time to work on my projects and it also got me writing in my journal too I guess...
It so cool it's back...
I also organised my website to be hosted...I will have it going completely soon...
Decisions, decisions...
2002-10-17 04:42:29
Hmm! well I guess I should get my shit together and decide which ISP I am going to go with next...ASDL or dial-up, host my own site or get it hosted...I have the layout and graphx already done...Either way the decision will have to be made by the end of this month...:/
Argh! Oh well still have a little more time I guess...:D
2002-10-16 05:41:27
*sobs* Oh well the site is still down, but I guess this is giving me some time to work on my projects...I just finished my sig, it's simple but it looks good...This is the most I used this journal I guess...:D
0_0' >_<' o_0'
2002-10-15 02:56:28
Oh and I forgot I will have my server and new website up and running shortly I hope and I will put up my AMV's there...:D
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 11:42:56