stormychef (Storm aka stormybaka... ~_^)
Hello again
2002-10-15 02:43:54
Well I adjourn to my journal yet once more. But it seems at present; the forum has shut down and fate of it's possible demise to be yet be determined and I ironically deciced to write like a 1900s novelist...:P hehehe well not now I guess...I went through my old cd collection that I don't listen to anymore and found alot of cool AMV music. (some of my old music choices are a bit weird back then and slightly was I thinking when I got them...:P) But none the less even though I have had a couple of AMV's sitting on my comp for a while I have been somewhat procrastinating in putting them up. I guess now there there might not be a chance of that happening. But I will cont. to work on AMV's and watching anime no matter what happens to this site. I am an otaku anyway...:D
Oh well back to work...
Time factor
2002-09-13 09:04:41
Well I figured I might start using my Journal. As time was sparse before my projects where going very slow to the completion. But as of now I am back from Qld and have alot more time on my hands...As I have quit both of my jobs first one a while and the other the day. I will be obtaining a business licence shortly as of the moment I am working for a friend so the hours are flexible. Hopefully I will be uploading my first amv contribution very shortly...
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 04:16:27