JOURNAL: Halfkin

  • Ren Faire, Family and 'Tekoman' 2004-08-16 02:27:48 This being an anime theme site I'll start off with that.

    Yesterday (Aug 14) Peter showed me one of the old- 80's anime he liked called 'TEKOMAN BLADE' I think. It can be both amusing and tedious to watch. I like one of the support characters, thier commander Freeman, instead of their main action fighter. Nicknamed D-Boy or Dangerous-Boy, he acts like Heero [Gundam Wing] without the colorful cast to support him. Some of the episodes are good, but I can hold my drive to watch.

    I watched up to disc 3 of 5 then and today.

    The Ren Faire wasn't so fun this year. Got their Friday.. turned out to be a set-up day. Although I did get away with not paying admission/camping fees because I was already in medevil costume and they must have thought I had pre-paid months earlier or something.

    Mind you, I am not a dis-honest person by nature. Not usually anyway. But the prices went up and due to things like car and phone breaking I was low of cash.

    I stayed until closing Saturday at 6pm because otherwise I couldn't get my car out of the 'quiet campsite/parking' area. One must drive through the faire to get in or out. Then me and Peter headed home. I mainly went to socailize with Pat. Next year I shall go to Dragon's Down.

    Family: cousins are coming to visit next week. And none of them like me... being the eldest, apathic, pressure-point preficent among them it isn't hard to see why the mutal avoidance act is done. Gawd help me.
  • Dumb Dogs... 2004-08-04 20:18:21 This is Emerson's (aka: Lestat) second visit to our house, to socialize with Yasha in a real backyard. The older puppy has only known a leash nailed in the grass before. Yasha is now tail-high around Lestat, which for a cowardly pup at least 2x bigger is great. They chase tennis balls together, enjoy romping some of that energy off each other, and Lestat howls/whines and tries to dig through the back door... not cool at all.

    The computer is in the beginings to back to specs! Finally getting back online for real. [withdrawl subsiding]

    No call back for a job interview, so I should go out job-hunting again. *sigh growl* Good news is the car is back from shop too.

    We (the anime/D&D group) can move our Anime Night back to Fri-Sat, but then Leo won't be there because he intends to bus to his girlfriend's work city Friday. So I think it'll stay Thur-Fri. Maybe have anime/Magic the Gathering on Friday..

    Anyway, on with anime damnit! I want to see anime again!! 
  • Bad Computer!! 2004-08-02 02:54:59 I should mention (not that any here need care) that my computer suffered a virus meltdown. So for days I've been without internet. Dad borrowed an XP Startup CD... and it exploded in the hard-drive. *Snap!* sound from the tower!!

    As for anime related update: my Anime Night has lately been turned into a 'Magic the Gathering' or AMV night. No new updates to say anything about. The newer members of the group are watching 'VANDREAD', which I've already marathon-watched.

    Night ya'all 
  • Home-sitting 2004-07-25 03:31:03 Shawn (female) has been having a hard time between the death of a brother, family back-stabbing and usual things she had to get away for the weekend. So me and Leo are watching the two cocker spanials until Monday.

    Not a lot to do, but I find some small ways to entertain myself. I've taken time for Anime Night and D&D this Saturday. It has meant leaving the mutts alone for around seven hours at a time, but I believe they'll live.

    Emerson.. aka Lestat the blonde vampire, is unmanageable and annoying. The puppy is a far-cry from my mild mutt-puppy, Yasha.

    The D&D group is dabbling in B.E.S.M (Big Eyes Small Mouth) and MechWarrior. It is so dull and mind-draining to have a large gathering make a character with only one Player Book being read aloud. Step-by-boring-Step.

    Frankly I miss hack-and-slash medievil fantasy.

    Losing cable although we retain most of the channels we enjoy. This includes CARTOON NETWORK, for which I'm thankful. The bad news is right now I can watch but I can't record! How strange and lame!!

    InuYasha is funny as I need in my impatient, short-attention span, slightly anti-social self. So help me if I find anything has happened to the the AMVs I've left in the same house as Emerson and Selina.....

    Otherwise I won't be held responsible. 
  • Red vs Blue 2004-07-16 20:47:33 I should say that Anime Night went great yesterday! A little Hectic as I picked up Peter's little bro, as Cliff drove to my house; then back home and grabbed sibling to drive to work before heading to the party.

    It turned into an AMV 'war'

    Peter's comp had more new AMVs, Cliff's laptop had his own collection (and half the time -both- comps were showing), and Leo's comp had 'VANDREAD' anime for the sibling sets that hadn't seen it yet. A really bad sub&dub version that's a laugh riot!

    Jule brought Tom "Lisp" today. So we had Bo, Peter and little bro, Leo and his younger bro, Jule, Tom, and me. Got a ton of soda and three family size pizzas to tide-over the ones who hand't gone to Jack-In-The-Box.

    My favorite part was the introduction to 'RED VS BLUE'. I /shall/ burn a copy for myself!!! Hilarious fan-scripting to a game called Halo that held us all in stitches. Same genre as '8-Bit Theater' and 'MegaTokyo'.  
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