JOURNAL: Halfkin

  • Got ANIME ! 2004-07-10 02:15:58 As a belated B-day gift, or two, I got anime.

    'Spirited Away' was given by my sibling. One recommended for around our skittish parents to enjoy too. It's alright, but my favorite addition to my collection is 'Those Who Hunt Elves II'. The whole second series. On DVD! A friend is getting a fan-subbed version of 'Fullmetal Alchemist' episodes 1-30!! Also way wicked-cool!

    My own collection is starting to upgrade now, oh so slowly. Adult Swim/Cartoon Network has made up all the rest I have. Taped, and crammed upon each VHS until I now notice that parts are falling apart in either sound, visual or both.

    'Gundam Wing' is going to have to be totally replaced. Perferably with DVD to save storage room.

    Went to drop off sibling, as usual, to the bus-stop for work. Well, I was just about to drop off when the stressed twirp told me, "opps forgot keys!"

    Translation: I had to go from a 30 minute drive to a further commute of over an hour 15. Got lost in the city thanks to the twirp not familar with a car-driven route. Got lost, found the place and waited while a friend gave spare keys, then to Paula/Pat's place to get work clothes, drop off at work. Now me and Leo (tag-a-long) finally got leave to go home. So we snag the freeway... only to meet rush-hour.

    Left home at 1pm: got home at 6pm. Should have been an hour drive round-trip. Gawd, the twirp owes me....
  • B-Day!! 2004-07-07 02:29:05 From where I reside it is still July 6 11:15pm, where I was born it's nearly halfway around the world. So I guess it's safe to say...Happy Birthday to me!! 7th month, 7th day!

    I had a good July 4th. Me and the folks stayed home rather then visit the Army Base for fireworks, but it didn't make too much difference. In every direction lights and shrills randomly appeared. So I clipped a leash on Yasha and went out onto the col-de-sac to mingle with the neighbor kids. Lets just say my 'cautious/shy/wary/cowardly' puppy did -not- enjoy the show, but it gave a few of the neighbors a chance to meet her.

    June 5 an old High School friend returned. Today (June 6) he dropped by again and we watched a few AMVs and an anime he had on him. I missed his first visit today when I went to pick up my new dresser, but did catch him the second time. I'm inviting him to my friend's Anime Night. Hopefully the other guys will take a liking to him because, sadly, I'm more friend to them then Him.

    Spyware continues to haunt my computer; Yasha lost another tooth; allergies annoy the hell outta me.

  • Anime Night! 2004-07-02 16:25:36 Finally the day of friday arrives!

    My Martial Arts teacher has finally gotten a dojo yesterday; puppy Yasha lost a tooth at my feet (cool); cleaned house; grew frustrated at computer, which seems to be having problems; and regained cable.

    But later today I will once again go to a friend's house and spend the afternoon,evening to the A.M watching our anime!! He found a good price for a dubbed VHS of 'GUNSMITH CATS' at BestBuy. And even if I've already seen it, well, that was years ago.

    Another friend has over 11 hours of AMVs on his computer, but I found that 'I Wish I Was A Lesbian' AMV we all fell in love with at a convention. Finally got it downloaded to CD to show later today. Not to mention the pleasing news posted on the Board here; Cartoon Network might be showing the InuYasha movie this November, as well as showing FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST! Yeah!!

    I can only pray they don't dub it badly. I really liked the sub version, which I plan on one-day buying.

  • how frustrating.. 2004-06-28 03:47:26 I just got past my two week probation here at (yeah) and when I tried to download a video it was 'lost' somewhere in my computer. So I re-try. It seems ONEPLAYER can't find parts of it either.

    And now I'm left annoyed because I didn't want ONEPLAYER converting the avm, but MEDIAPLAYER to. Add the fact this isn't my computer, nor am I any good with electronics, and Who-la!

    Just got off the ToT weekend job too. How vexing!! 
  • De-stressing? Yeah, right. 2004-06-22 03:22:43 For those who don't see the pun in the title, the de-stressing is written such because I'm not relaxing. Anti-relaxing.

    My younger sibling has the lousy habit of picking up 'strays'. Emotionally unstable teens that need constant support..usually having a crisis as though they were tag-teaming. So now my sibling returns home; before a.m. for once, and then only to tersly tell me that a bi-polar friend needs 'emotional support' at the Youth Center.

    Grabs overnight duffle, snags the car and promises to call in later today/tomorrow. I should mention this is just after returning home after the usual all weekend work in a city a good commute away. Hence crashes at friends living there.

    We have two dogs at home, an elder Britney and a mutt pup (Named Yasha). The britney is loyal to my sibling and feels harried by Yasha, abandoned at least 3/4th the week as sibling is rarely home now, and ... hell, I don't like the bi-polar 'friend' and now am feeling a little of every emotion as I watch our hopeful Britney saw her beloved ALPHA arrive only to not notice her before dashing off. So there she is with an eager gaze at the door where she hears the familiar car sounds. Still waiting with her head facing that direction a good half-hour later.


    I'm starting to see why the random batch of other AMV's member's journals were so damn depressing. I got a job interview tomorrow so I'm going to hope I manage to grab the car tomorrow/today. My cable is still off so I'm stuck with what anime I already have, which ain't too bad, but something new would be welcome.

    Ah well.

    BTW, Yasha attended her 2nd Training Class today. She's so shy it's amazing to think her namesake inspiration was InuYasha. As for her mutt-ness <grin> she's a beautiful 1/4 Golden Retriever, 1/4 Austrailan Sheppherd, and we think 1/2 Lab. One in a litter of eight; born Feb 11. So damn shy I can't teach her 'COME' because she's a leg-tripping assassion/golden-shadow!! I've no idea why. She remained with her litter for 3 months, the family was large and open with the dogs, and I haven't seen a vibe of abuse since her birth!

    But I have no doubt of her loyalty to me. A small ego boost to be sure.

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