JOURNAL: darkside productions (Ang )

  • Yay 2002-01-30 11:29:02 Fantastic, i get to go home and edit out subtitles...Thank God my video is almost done. I'm thinking of getting rid of the effects on he stills because it looks crappy.
    I hate Macs, this thing is lagging as i type, and I HATE being lost in class!!!

    Hopefully Rain will run me by the post office first so i can mail out my commission and stuff.  
  • ewww 2002-01-30 09:50:53 Class is scary today. I really hate missing a day then coming into the class out of the blue.

    We are working on our first After Effects project, and I am having a severe mental block. Normally I can just kick out an idea, but today...Ugh.......My brain is slush.

    I'm hungry too. More reasons for feeling sucky. 
  • hmm... 2002-01-29 23:21:24 You know life takes an odd turn when you sit at your computer at 11:17 pm listening to your roommate singing along with the strange musical play she has on DVD as you boredly surf the internet looking for various PVC clothing items on eBay. oO;;; 
  • ... 2002-01-29 17:09:04 And why do people not leave comments after viewing my videos? Do I suck that bad?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Leave comments! At least tell me how bad I really am, ok? 
  • Wow, another Journal I have to fill out... 2002-01-29 17:08:02 Heh, as if LiveJournal wasn't enough to keep my poor soul busy...But I must do everything necessary to attract attention to me on this site so that I will become famous one day and take over the world.
    So hello there AMV world. I be Ang, and I be coming to get you all MWHAHAHA.

    *Gets hit by the Interdimensional Mallet of Justice.*

    Ok...Not until I get the subtitles edited out of my video at least...It's almost done! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I will so kick ass at Megacon as long as I'm not dissed for the length...Hey! They said 8 minutes...Mine is 7:55, therefore, it's legal. ^_^ 
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 09:37:32