JOURNAL: darkside productions (Ang )

  • Evil Macs!!! 2002-02-20 09:28:48 No NO NO!!!! Evil Photoshop files corrupted! ;_; I lost 3 of them...good thing I can make them again...Stupid Macs, they don't like anything I ever do on a PC. :P

    I forgot to put my MP3 on my disk too, so now I'm missing that, and since you can download anything onto these Macs and Audiogalaxy doesn't work on Macs to begin with...Sheesh, now I'm screwed.

    ...Stupid Macs. 
  • Sales Pitch? 2002-02-19 18:12:16 Is there anyone out there that would be willing to host my videos for me? Either Mpeg or Real Media? I just can't stand having them down because they have been bugging me all day! ~_~ 
  • Damn Bandwidth!!! 2002-02-19 11:33:40 Well...I't happened. I exceeded my bandwidth for the month and my site will be suspended by the end of the week. ;_; I went through and pulled all of the links from here and all of the links from my actual site in hopes that it slows down. I had no idea that I would pull over 9 gigs with just Real Media files...

    Sooooooo, if anyone knows of exceptionally cheap hosting for my production site and videos, please let me know!!!! email me at Thank you. 
  • Ang and the Mysterious Freaky Guy 2002-02-18 15:18:19 Now, we all know that Mom told us to never talk to strangers, especially really ugly ones driving a Geo. Anyways, here goes...

    I was walking back from the shopping center after dropping my dress off at the cleaners (They don't know if they can get my stains out! XD) and bothering Rain at Dollar General, when I hear a horn honk. Thinking that it was my friend who I had just seen up in the plaza, I nonchalantly wave and raise my head to find some ugly nerdy hick guy looking back at me as he drives by. Ew, I'm skeeved.

    So I walk up to the corner and go to cross the street and low and behold the dick made a u-ey and came back around to me. Ew.

    So he speaks, "Hey, do you need a ride somewhere?"
    And me politely, "No thanks, I just need to cross the street and I'm there."
    Him, "Oh come on, it will be my pleasure."

    So I survey this rather homely guy trying to pick me up, of course, avoiding all forms of eye contact.
    "I said NO THANKS."

    Then him, "What are you afraid I'm going to hurt you?"
    Me, "Didn't your Mom ever tell you not to pick up strange girls walking down the street?"

    I could tell he was getting pissed, I am very good at pissing people off, it's my natural talent, I take great joy in it, I swear...

    He replied, "Well, didn't your Mom ever tell you not to talk to strangers?"
    And me, "Then why are you talking to me? Do you want to face capital punishment in the state of Florida that quickly?"

    He sorta huffed and drove off in a hurry. So I proceded to walk across the street and back through my apartment complex contemplating various things I could have done to him if he tried to touch me...All the different pressure points, bone breaks, kicks I could throw to impale him on the fire hydrant on the corner...The mind boggles.

    Now excuse me as I go to see if I can get a ride to work. ~_~
  • Finally a decent post!! 2002-02-18 14:04:12 I'm one of those few people that actually like Mondays. Why? Because I don't have to get up early and go to class. :P I do have to go to work later though, and unfortunately I have to be in by 4, Rain is off at 4 and she doesn't have the car...Steve does. And who knows what time he will be home. (With my luck it would be like, 6ish ><)

    I have surrounded myself in white net and tulle for my Astarte costume, @_@ I feel like I'm making a really fruffy wedding dress or something. I don't have that much to do actually, I'm just worried about getting the wig in on time. It' can't come in later than tomorrow or else no one will be home to sign for it, that goes for Rain's Pizazz wig as well, which is far more important than my Astarte wig, I can compensate with what I have...She can't.

    I have so much to do today still...I haven't eaten anything yet. *tummy grumble* and I still need to take out the trash, bring my dress up to the cleaners and bother Rain at Dollar General. Then I have to come back here and continue with my laundry and attempt to work on my After Effects project before I have to go to work. I'm the only person up front tonight, which means I have to do both cashier and host, open to close. @_@ 4-10:30pm. Ouch that shift really really sucks. Maybe they will be nice and let me go early. At least I'm getting in the up front hours again, it will really help on my paycheck and things, make bills easier to pay and such. I know I'm probably going to have a good paycheck this week because I have 3 up front shifts on there, that will cover my entry and hotel at Megacon, the rest of the weekend I won't eat, as usual. I don't think that they are having an art contest where I can sell my art, and even if they did, I don't have anything to put in it. I don't even have any good examples to put up for commission work or prints. Damn, I suck.

    Anyways, gotta get rolling. Peace out...
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