darkside productions (Ang )
Roommate Homicide
2002-02-11 14:04:17
I was called into work yesterday, and after I had been in for no more than an hour I get a phone call by one of my roommates who is scared half to death that my other roommate is going to rape her or something. (Note: One is female, one is male. It's not one of those sexually frustrated all female sororities.)
So...That's always a good thing to hear when I'm in the process of getting weeded out at work. This was about 6pm. So...Until a quarter to 11 when I was cut, I had a really sick feeling in my stomach the whole time and had a hard time concentrating on work. As you can imagine.
So...When my male roommate came to pick me up, boy did I let him hear it. I think if I had a knife I coulda tore him a new asshole. Of course he said that she had stretched the truth and that he didn't even really say anything, blah blah... I think I shook him up a bit because he IMed me today from work and wanted to know if I had talked to my other roommate. (She left last night and went to a friend's house before anything happened.) I said no and he went on a tangent apologizing and wanting me to tell her that he was sorry and that he wanted to talk to her when she got home, yadda yadda.
We'll see how this goes later.
St. Augustine Recap/Mad about Megacon
2002-02-10 15:25:25
(This is all a paste of what I typed on Yaya's message board. I got lazy.)
Erk, we had a rough time yesterday. At least I now know my way around St. Augustine pretty well. LOL
Unfortunately, when we went to the Fort, I guess people were complaining about our appearance, after we were told it was absolutely fine for us to come in and take pictures, but we ended up getting kicked out anyways because the pictures were going to be used for the web. At least we got our money back.
(They charge 5 dollars to get into a National Historic Monument!!!)
So from there we went to the beach over on Anastasia island. It was pretty nice there and the beach was almost deserted. I changed into my Alexiel costume there since Mokuren was just...Not doing well for me. (Flying sheets!!! o.O) We got some really neat pics over at the beach, then from there we invaded a McDonalds and had some lunch.
By then I had taken off my Alexiel wig because 1: It was annoying me like hell. 2: It looked crappy, and 3: Maboroshi said I looked better without it.
So then I was a short haired Alexiel. ^^;;
We went back downtown and walked around a bit, which I absolutely loved. St. Augustine reminds me of old Savannah a little, and Williamsburg a little bit too because of reinactments they have. Only most of the buildings, especially the churches and old monastery were built in the 1600's, so it looks a little bit like Renaissance Spain. I was drooling over the history so much that I lost a lot of opportunities to take pics...I think I'm going to have to go back for a weekend and play tourist and check everything out.
We took some pics in a park then went over to the waterfront in the dark before heading over to Orlando for the end of the JACO meeting. We returned to St. Petersburg around 3 am. @_@...I feel "wonderful" today. I get to go to work now too, JOY!!!!
Ugh, I'm so ticked. I swear my job does this to me on purpose: They see I have a convention coming up, so they cut back my hours the pay period before so I can't really afford to go, then they make me work during the con! I told them straight out that am not missing this convention, and that if they fired me, it was there loss since we are getting into season and they need the experience.
So...All I have is one costume, and that's Stormer. It's pretty much all I can afford to make and like, 90% complete. Between Rain and I we can barely afford our entry fees. Unless she gets paid for that freelance work she did anytime soon, there is no way we can afford to finish our She-Ra costumes, which will really tick me off. It's bad enough I had to drop my Quidditch uniform because of lack of funds and time to finish it, especially when I already have it about half done. I could just go in my robe that has nothing on it and my broom, as horrible as that is. Maybe if I find a red sweater in time it won't be so bad.
Gosh this really ticks me off.
2002-02-08 23:40:47
hate work. Work must die. Like men must die.
I got threatened by a customer tonight, I shoulda responded but noooo, stupid me kept my cool. Next time, I will not hesitate...
Learn to read
2002-02-08 10:48:10
I got a rather nasty email from someone who apparently does not like the fact that I stream my music videos from my site using Real Media. I know that I state TWICE, in TWO places, on my site why I do this.
This is mainly because I don't have a shitload of bandwidth to share despite the fact that I have quite a bit of space, Real Media files are a lot smaller than Mpegs. (I would use DivX, but I can't compress the file sizes small enough without a big loss of quality. Trust me, it looks better in RM.)
What I am thinking about doing is putting up a monthly or weekly Mpg version of one of my videos. However, I only have 2 videos in Mpg and one in MOV because I lost all of my PPJs in a comp crash. I was just fortunate that I saved the RM files onto zip before hand or I would have nothing.
Please people, if you want to have an MPG version of my music videos, find them on Morpheus or ask me NICELY to temporarily upload it to my server for you to download. I am willing to share, but you gotta be nice. ^_~
2002-02-08 09:04:00
It's going to be another one of those days. I can feel it.
I hate Friday.
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:07:57