darkside productions (Ang )
Megacon vs. TaeKwonDo
2002-02-05 22:04:52
I just found out tonight that not only is the TKD US Open the same weekend as Megacon, but that it is also at the same location!!! ~_~
Soooo, this is a warning for everyone I know that is going to Megacon. THERE WILL BE WORLD CLASS FIGHTERS SHARING THE CONVENTION CENTER WITH US!!!
A lot of my teammates are competing, as well as the entire Olympic team (In which 2 of my teammates are on.) Plus fighters from around the world, so I'm sure that our cosplay will make an odd impression on them all.
I'm probably going to be running back and forth that Friday to see how my teammates are doing, my instructor is going to get me a pass. So I'm probably going to bring my jersey and throw it over my costume or something, and wash off my makeup before going in there.
I'm not totally sure of the spectators entry fee, but it's probably around 15 bucks. (Unlike Junior Olympics which was 40 bucks a day. @_@) So I'm thinking of doing like a half a day at Megacon on Friday and a half at US Open. I know that the friends I'll be with won't want to go and will probably want to get rid of me. (As they seem to not want me around much anymore.) So I'll be hanging out with my team then, of course they aren't to fond of me either so...Yeah. I'll find something to do.
2002-02-05 12:34:47
There is either something seriously wrong with my video file, or the JACO FTP server is psycho...I'm leaning toward the second one.
I swear, all I want to do is submit my damn video onto the server BEFORE the deadline next week, and what it does is partially upload to about 30 megs, and STOPS. *dies* I understand that this is a long ass video, but I see on the server that there are videos that are 100 megs or so already up, so mine should really have no problem getting up there...I had no problems with my other video...Why is it that this one is giving me grief? Why is it the one that takes 2 hours to render, the one that I actually put time into???
Random Thoughts while exiting the bathroom.....
2002-02-04 02:25:03
"I don't want to be happy.
Happiness is for the weak.
I want to live a dull life in which people tell me what to do, when to do it, and when they want it.
I live in the United States, that's why.
"Remember kids: Democracy is just a lesser version of Communism. The US is based on Capitalism and is not a true democracy. There is no such thing as a true democracy in this world, but Communism seems to work well...It's just us Capitalists don't like it."
--Quoth Ang's mind as she came out of the bathroom a few moments ago...
Wow, I've been writing too much of Radical Empire again, my mind is thinking about government. ~_~
oy vay
2002-02-04 00:44:47
I had a short lived arguement with Rain today while her friends were here and got Amie pissed off at me. I really don't care. If she tells everyone how much of a bitch I am, let them see how much of a bitch I am. No need to hide the truth.
The arguement progressed into jobs, of course I brought up the tender subject of her not having one...Then she turns around and says that I don't know what it's like to work a "real" job. Ok, since when is waiting tables not a "real" job? Our shifts may be short, but it's a hellavalot harder then standing in a store all day taking peoples money. We are on our feet for 4 hours taking orders, bringing out food, going in and out of a hot kitchen, dealing with bitchy customers, bitchy cooks, bitchy coworkers, and all for a few dollars that are left on a table for us. Servers can't work more than a few days straight or else we can go insane. (Sometimes I wonder how my mom did it...) The longest I've worked is 6 days straight back in season last year, and 3 of those nights I had to close, meaning I didn't leave the restaurant until sometime after 11 or 12 at night.
One night was so bad I didn't leave until 2am!!!
Remember folks: Servers, bussers, and food runners in the state of Florida make $2.13 an HOUR in addition to whatever tips or tip share is left for us. But no matter what we have to declare at least enough to equal minimum wage regardless of how much we did make. So if you live in FL, remember to leave at least 15% even if you had shitty service. None of this 2 dollar shit.
I had a blast with a fanart today. I started this pic of Annie a few days ago, and I totally changed it last night by adding Epiphany to the right on the paper. Today I finished up Epiphany and added Chaos on the left of the paper to Annie. So now I have all 3 of my main characters from different universes together, and looking decent! I can never get them all on one paper looking this good, ever. Granted Chaos doesn't look as good as I wanted her to, (Annie is still the most beautiful, I'm not biased. Noooooo...) but Epiphany looks great, especially since I have been having a hard time with her lately. <---link to see it.
I call it the Rose Brides ~_~;;; Utena pun intended.
Yes they are all barefoot, yes they all have 2 roses.
Leave a comment and tell me what you think.
Oh yeah, I finished my Angel Sanctuary music video for Megacon tonight FINALLY. I rendered it out in DivX AVI rather than MPEG only because it kicked the file size down about 70 megs. However the quality overall isn't the best, not that the clips were perfect to begin with. Oh well, at least it's done and maybe I'll go back and fix it someday.
2002-02-02 14:30:35
IT'S DONE!!!! Well....about as done as it's going to be...I pulled the effects from the slide show since they blurred the stills. Damnit. Oh well, at least when the second half kicks in the tempo and volume of the song shoots up and it should make people jump after they are bored with the first half of the vid.
*imitates random obnoxious fanboy*
"What the F*** is this? A slide show for a music video to a slow ass song? Get it off, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" *gets a group of people going boo*
Slumping in my seat rather embarrassed like and getting ready to cover my ears for the tempo change.
Freaks out and jumps in their seat and now even more pissed off at me for scaring them.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 04:00:16