Mechaman (Scott Francis)
Tomorrow Comes Today
2002-10-14 20:20:37
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times before.
The reason large forums like SA work is because Lowtax knows precisely what goes on in most forum-goers heads.
See, a forum is a lot like your local game store/barbershop/place-to-hang-for-an-hour. The people that have been coming know the score; they know when not to tell that joke, and they know when the Smoove is flowing. If the place is successful, then more and more people start coming. They don't know about the place, they just heard it was cool. Eventually, some of them stay long enough to also pick up on the Smoove. But a large percentage run around like little kids. And there's a _reason_ why most adults can't stand kids. Especially if the kids are running around in a place that grownups want to go to relax.
Most places then have the personalities that tell people to shut up, or leave. This works at the start, but becomes quickly unworkable as the place obeys the law of averages(and with the Internet's population theoretically infinite, we approach the monkeys-with-typewriters situation).
Lowtax worked that problem out fairly simply. It takes something significant to join(in his case, the moolah). And once you enter, Lowtax takes you aside, and cheerfully reminds you; that he and his staff have .44 revolvers with wadcutters pointed at your heads. Constantly. So if you feel like flinging your verbal excrement around, or being a smartass, your brains will quickly decorate the wall. And then people will make performance art with it. It might even find its way to your mother.
There's still hiccups with it, and the price is a somewhat less cheerful-feeling. But it works. Even governments could stand to learn a lesson or two from this.
If there are any questions, please stay behind after class, and I'll leave a chamber unloaded. Just so that you can experience the real thrill of Russian roulette.
The funny thing is that I don't have an SA account. A friend has been urging me to get one, but I already have the places I love--and they have their own defenses(obscurity is one, a population of intelligent-actions-juvenile-humor-goatce-posters another).
The big enemy is approaching at full throttle. According to the current data, it is identified as "Butsustekkai".
2002-10-08 23:23:00
Depressing, always depressing. Forums crashing and burning everywhere I go. And the only ones I care to read are ones where the sheer fringe drives everyone else off(Higher Voltage). I'm getting utterly tired with the sheer flood of polite-and-nice-and-sweet-talking forum goers all over the Internet. Can nobody interpret sarcasm, fling around well-aimed juvenile jokes, and maintain at least some Aura of Smooth anymore?
I mean, hell, a certain board had a certain thread where a certain person aimed a well-placed sarcasmic post. And the target was convinced he was serious("dood, if you have nothing better to say, don't spam")! What's with you kids these days? Did you not think I was being serious that Lowtax should be teaching netiquette?
Ikaruga, neato Ikaruga. Not topping my list of favorite shooters, but Treasure's redeemed themselves for all the stuff I didn't like about Silvergun. I may order Star Monkey, just for a random score-the-highest game on my PC.
Sketching, mad sketching, until A:M 10 is released. In addition, my second harddrive's clicking means that it's time to seriously start ordering parts. Already backed up all of my essentials from it. Decided to stay with my monitor, and a conventional CD burner, and wait for prices on flat-panels/DVD burners to go down.
Moving, sweet moving. Hopefully the apartment lead I have pans out.
2002-10-01 01:26:09
I'm stuck at home throughout all of the cons, since I didn't start my new job in time to build up enough of a cash reserve. As it is, I find myself wandering through video stores, and _not_ buying everything in sight, because the "Starving College Student" reflexes are still In Effect. I still managed to bring myself to order a copy of DC Ikaruga, and a used copy of Frame Gride, however.
I'm trying to kick loose my lethargy as fall starts, by making final plans for a new workstation. This isn't necessary for the short(not video) that I want to have done for Sakura Con, but it will at least stop me from feeling guilty about holding money back. I'm also planning to do more with less in the software department, as MainVision is working fine. Hash promises that A:M 10.0 will ship in a few weeks, and I'm holding off on picking up Cool Edit Pro until it's clear that I need it. A used copy of PS6 would be nice, but I don't see any around..
Living at home is also severely cramping my creative energy. Fortunately, I've started looking for apartments in Seattle. If you're a stable, bill-paying-on-time sort of, er, probably won't be reading this.
The "Internet" was deleted.
2002-09-26 01:47:23
I find it immensely entertaining, that if you replace any connotation of "blog" with "website" or similar in the Seattle Weekly's latest Culture section(, you get a document that reflects a curious echo of when the Web was younger(circa 95-99). Plus ca change, indeed..
Although I'll have to firmly agree with her next-to-last statement. Without the "Maybe".
With this, and their review of Spirited Away, it gives me great pleasure that the Weekly is well on its way down the toilet.
2002-09-12 01:54:42
I love it when people who are living several hundred miles away from each other think that they can somehow "project violence" or "start something" through the myriad of cables and wires that we call the modern Internet. It's even sillier when it's a one-way link like a blog or journal, where "fighting" looks like the old "A, you tell B that he's a stupid peabrain" routine. If there were ever a "training course" for people to use the Internet, I'd have Lowtax of teach the "netiquette" courses.
Mostly in the manner of a Marine drill instructor. With a lot more playground humor.
Bought a Windows iPod. It rocks. Saw Lou Reed. He rocked. Saw Sonic Youth. They rocked. Anything else, doesn't seem to matter too much else at this point.
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