JOURNAL: Xtremeaatma (Luke Hebert)

  • Hello everyone 2003-10-03 23:40:55 Hi guys, its been a while, we stopped posting here in order to save bandwidth, on the temp server. Things are in motion, we are registering and getting the legal portions in order. Our new domain is

    We are still active in conventions. We are preparing for a global launch of our studio, in the coming months. We are still in college, so things are a bit slow, we have tons of jobs to do. Our videos are more than likely avalible via any P2P network as well as viewable at conventions. We hope to physically make it to Numa Rei-No Con December 12-14, 2003! Metarie, La, this year. Hopefully by then we will have made our global launch. I am changing my alias, it may be MysTek, im thinking of keeping it that way, so look for that as my name in the near future. We currently have about 30 members, as well as an internal Record Label. We look foward to servering you in the future, and hope you enjoy our media and game production.

    Thank you for your patcience,

    TriVox Studios

    Luke A. Hebert

    A.K.A MysTek
  • Forum ? 2002-10-15 22:52:43 I just thought id say even thought the amv org forum is a private forum for its members it is still a public message board . . . That meaning that nything said in there has a right to be there . . . under our freedoms of speech . . .

    for those post u cant stomach then just dont read them no one is forcing u to . . . a forums cannot be a forum if opinions, comments, suggestions, emotions, etc can not be freely posted . . . all of these things make up a forum . . .

    If you have problems then heavily moderate it simple as that and kick and ban the continuing offenders . . .

    they know better yet they still continue the pointless fighting which only makes them look the worse . . .

    free the forum its a place where we can communicate with the community . . . if the poepl who are supporting amv cannot stomach it then apparently they dont feel that this community is worth the stuggles involved ! . . .

    my 2 cents, so who gives a crap if you dont like it, thats life we all have opinions 
  • new amv 2002-10-06 00:49:47 yes i am working on another amv . . . i know it seems like its been ages and really it has . . . but i have been really busy with school and the studio . . . i have been slowly workin on a video since the begining of the sumer and im only about 25% done so dont hold your breath on seeing it to soon just keep checkin cjay for more videos . . . Not to mention all the other side projects like the 3 sites im building and the sites i admin so just hang tight gimme time and ill get somethin out 
  • con 2002-09-03 18:32:43 set me free is going to anime usa con

    1) because its the only one i have to send
    2) cause the current video im workin on isnt finished

    C-jay is also sending beleive and a new video from what i understand. If anyone goes we will no longer be listed seperately we should now be listed together as TriVox Studios 
  • Slow down 2002-08-25 23:20:39 Id like to infrom everyone that trivox studios has not updated in a while due to the fact that college has started and we have other jobs beyond trivox right now.

    Please IM Cjayproductions or me Xtremeaatma if u have questions or comments ot problems.

    We are currently still in the inital stages of construction of our facilites so it may be a while before i temp site becomes the real deal. As construction on that has slowed as well due to college.

    We apologize for the incconvince i will alert cjay that he needs to update the site in some manner ! 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 19:55:47