JOURNAL: Patches (Patches )

  • Moero, moero! 2002-04-01 13:35:46 Yippidee day. I've decided to rotate which video I've got available for download. Now it's Dilandau's turn to take his vengeance for "Hungarian Smackdown" as he causes a smackdown himself in "Dilandau: Bringer of War". Yessir, we've got lots of burning and destruction headed your way, set to happy classical music that you just can't get enough of. Happy funness, it is. 
  • Hail Ilparatzo! 2002-03-23 21:01:21 Wehh... I'm through with being insanely busy for the time being. Being a part of a school musical does that to your schedule. I'm still wondering how the heck a school got the rights to "Jekyll and Hyde", since I'm under the impression it's a fairly new musical. It's also a pain in the butt for us in the pit. Whoever arranged the score should be dragged into the streets and shot. Cues? Ah, who needs 'em? And who cares if the printed notes are outside the instrument's range? And the time signature doesn't have to be the same for every instrument, right?

    Okay, I think I've ranted about that enough. At least the performances went fairly smoothly. No total train wrecks. But the show did show me that I really want to make a video to a Broadway song. I just need to find the right combination. Being kind of a Broadway music buff, I've got quite a collection of music sources, but my video sources are somewhat minimal.

    Man, now I've got "Facade" stuck in my head. But I guess that sort of thing happens when you play the same show three times within 24 hours.

    And the subject line is an obligatory Excel Saga reference. I need to see more of that show, as it is one of the most amusingly satirical things I've yet seen. And completely high on sugar. Fruits Basket is another show I need to see more of, since it is possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen. Not a sickeningly-sugar-sweet cute or Pokemon cute. It's just a happy, grin-inducing cute. And Yuki is the most adorable mouse ever. 
  • Nya 2002-02-11 16:06:23 Geh. It seems that I can only access this site once a week or so, since it's usually down at any other time. Dunno what's wrong, but I dun' think I'm gonna go ranting about it. It's just how things are. 'Cept my Java prof gave us a lecture on how Microsoft has taught us that it's okay if things don't work once in a while. That since the computer itself is nearly glitch-less, the programs on it should reflect this. Makes me glad I'm a Computer Engineer, and not a CSSE (ha ha, I get to make the stuff that works :P).<P>
    They skipped "Cowboy Funk" again last night. ::sniff:: I wanna see Andy on TV! I do, I do, I do! 'Course, there's all that blowing up of buildings and stuff. CN says they just misplaced the tape, and'll show it next week. 'Kay. Let's give 'em another shot.<P>
    Dorky Super Smash Brothers Melee. It's its fault for being addictive and taking me away from my homework! Plus, Kirby is my buddy. He eats everything, just like me. And he can fly. And steal everyone else's powers. However, when you have both a Jigglypuff and a Kirbylypuff, it gets kinda confusing. And Samus-Kirby with bunny ears always strikes me as funny and I don't know why<P>
    I'm rambling now. But I need to practice, since I need to give a ten-minute speech on Wednesday. Speechy, speechy, peachy speech. ... I hope I'm more coherent in front of the class... 
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