Falconone (Martin S.)
2010-10-27 17:36:42
well i posted my new video and it got a better rate as Twinkle O.o But ok not many people saw it... and that is sad. i really hope that man more will give this video a chance. I like it really, one part was really hard to edit, but the rest was great fun and i think it looks good.
Next try.... Action... hope this time with a new betatester it will be also a good work.
i bow my head
2010-06-22 17:48:23
yeah i bow my head for everyone who works with many mask in they videos.
at the moment i dont edit on an AMV but on a movie for the university and i was the idiot who said "we could mask it" and now i work since many days on 1:21. i go crazy after this video and hope i will never say again that i could mask such shit >_<
Time has changed
2010-03-16 07:29:55
The time need a change... I edit one video with premiere and after the video, its time for Vegas, because i go crazy with Premiere, errors all the time and problems with export and interlacing which shouldnt be there.
Now i hope Vegas will be a better programm.
2009-11-15 09:05:33
well the time changes. And #amv is different as years befor o.o
2009-11-10 10:04:25
well iam sick, had much time to edit... but why has my laptop at this time so many problems?
I thought, ok you must stay at home for a while so i can edit some mep parts or try on a new own video. but nooooo, i dont have the chance damned
also i forgot my external hd at my home, so i cant put source away from the hd and take other on it >_<
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 00:29:52