JOURNAL: Falconone (Martin S.)

  • interessts? 2008-02-26 08:30:54 So here we go with a new entry.
    First of all i must say, that i hate school, always the same shit and the teachers are not the best, they want from us a higher level then in other schools which must have the same level... god damn >_<

    Ok next. in December i made a video in a short time. It was more or less training but i load it but because i think... hm... i dont know what i thought at the moment when i load it up... I hope it was not false. So here is it
    have fun with it, opinions are welcome.

    Next Thema:
    Ok i have a new project a hard project for me. The song is fast and not easy, it is the first time i use After Effects and different Animes. So more things what is hard but there are some people which want to see a great work and i want it also and break in the circle on the Connichi Contest in Germany.
    Wish me luck ^_- 
  • hm... 2008-01-11 10:09:49 So i want to writte something. I have a new "MP3-Player" ok it is my mobile phone but it has 1 more gig as my old mp3-player, and this old is in a half way broken... So now i can listen to more different songs over the day. And i hope so to find the song for my next AMV, which will be the video for the connichi Contest. I can only make one video in this time because i make this year my high school diploma, so i have not many time...

    Oh damn, now all people from austria think anime/manga Fans are crazy and idiots >_< That is the most thing what other people say about those fans, and say it for all fans... 
  • and a new project -_- 2007-12-23 18:50:49 After i started a new AMV i saw after a few seconds that i dont have good scenes for the one part which comes next and after a while i saw that i have this problem at many places >_<

    Now i searched for a new song and anime. I want to make this idea what i have now. It is something different to the other AMVs i saw to the anime, most of all by the genre of the music. But i dont want to say more, because i also dont know if it will complete >_>
    Wish me luck

    And here i also wish all people Merry Christmas. 
  • Wow 2007-12-15 18:57:22 After i wrote the last journal there were so many people which answer and want to help me, that was the greatest thing for me in the last few month. I want to say here all Thank you.
    And also say, that this is the best community of the internet. All here very nice and helps every where they can, thats really great and not often in the world.
    That was it what i want to say for today.
    I wish you all a good weekend. 
  • I get worse T_T 2007-12-14 18:56:43 I started a new video and after some seconds of video, -GfN- wanted to see it... he say it is shit. Damned i cant get better or stay at one level with my videos. I made a jump to Crazy and then i make shit. Dont know what i make wrong... One other problems is, that i dont have a great collection of Animes. That makes it hard to get a great source for a good video... and also i think i have my problems with some songs... at the beginning i have a idea but apparent this ideas are worse...
    I need Help T_T 
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